Sample Counter/Timer0 Initialization In PULSE Mode
Following is a sample initialization routine for Counter/Timer0 to operate in PULSE mode.
The assembly language commands do not correspond to any particular microcontroller.
Configure CSIOP for Microcontroller access to Counter/Timer registers and I/O ports for
initialization of Counter/Timers. For the values of each register, refer to Tables 30 and 31.
Use PSDsoft supplied by WSI to configure the portion related to Counter/Timers. Also refer
to the Section on the ZPSD5XX I/O Ports.
Clear All Counter/Timers
LOAD CNTR0, 0000h
LOAD CNTR1, 0000h
LOAD CNTR2, 0000h
LOAD CNTR3, 0000h
; Clear Counter/Timer 0
; Clear Counter/Timer 1
; Clear Counter/Timer 2
; Clear Counter/Timer 3
Scaling of Clock (common to all Counter/Timers)
;Delay Cycles(DLCY) = 2, k value is selected in
;Global Register by setting Scale-Bit
Counter/Timer 0 Initialization (Command Register0 CMD0)
;Pulse mode (D0 = 1)
;Increment (D1 = 1)
;Select Counter/Timer (D2 = 1)
;Output Pulse Active High (D3 = 1)
;Load Signal on Input pin High going transition (D4 = 0)
;Input control from PIN (not PPLD macrocell) (D5 = 1)
;Load&Store control activated by Pin (D6 = 0)
;Enable count (D7 = 1)
;Load Counter/Timer0 Image Register with count (pulse width)
;needed (pulse duration of 8 timer clock cycles)
LOAD Special Reg A,1
;Configure PA0 as A timer = 0 output by writing a “1” to Port A
;Special Function Register
Gobal Register Configuration
LOAD Global, 03h
;Non WatchDog mode
;Pulse mode
;All CTUs enabled
;Scale-Bit = 1
;Input clock is divided by 6
Now if Pin PE3 on port E is input with a high going signal:
This signal causes Counter/Timer0 to get a value (FFF7h) loaded from its
associated image register (IMG0) and causes the Counter/Timer0 to start counting
from FFF7h (increment) until it overflows and issues a Terminal Count0 (TC0).
During counting Port A pin (PA0) outputs a high going one-shot pulse with a width
equal to (Max count possible – initial count value loaded, i.e. 8 timer clock cycles
in this example).
If the interrupt controller is configured to receive TC0, it will cause the interrupt
INT0 to occur.