Key Features
Programmable Peripheral
Field-Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals
Complete family of Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals enables the user to
efficiently implement a highly integrated embedded control system in a short time. The
ZPSD5XX family has a variety of functions such as ZPLDs , I/O Ports, Counter/Timers,
Interrupt Controller, Power Management, EPROM and SRAM.
“No Glue-Logic” user programmable interface to 8 or 16 bit microcontroller multiplexed
and non-multiplexed bus. The bus control logic can directly decode control signals
generated by 8031, 80196, 80186, 68HC11, 68HC16, 683XX, 16000, Z80, and Z8
architecture. Extended address capability up to 24 bits of address.
A range of ZPLD (Zero Power PLD) architectures have up to 30 macrocells, 61
inputs and 140 output product terms. Includes 3 functional ZPLDs which enable the
user to efficiently implement a variety of state machines, logic functions, address
decoding and control of the internal ZPSD5XX functional blocks .
The ZPLDs use a Zero Power CMOS technology that reduces the device standby
current to 5 uA typical. Unused product terms are disabled to reduce operating power.
Up to 40 I/O Ports that can be individually configured by the user as standard MCU I/O
ports, PLD I/O, latched address outputs and special function I/O. Two eight bit I/O ports
can be configured as Open Drain Outputs.
Four 16 bit Counter/Timers, that have 5 modes of operation and can be controlled by the
Peripheral PLD (PPLD) macrocells. Modes of operation are pulse, waveform, time
capture, event counting and watch dog timer (or Real Time Clock). The Counter/Timer
clock input has a prescaler that can scale the input frequency from 4 to 280.
Eight input priority encoded Interrupt Controller. Four interrupts are generated by the
PPLD and are user defined. The other four interrupts are generated by the
Counter/Timers Terminal Count flags. Each interrupt input can be individually masked
and configured as edge or level sensitive.
The ZPSD5XX family contains EPROM densities of 256 Kbit, 512 Kbit and 1 Mbit that
can be configured as 8 or 16 bit data width. The EPROM is divided into 4 equal blocks
that can be mapped to different address spaces. Access time is 70 ns which includes
address latching and Decoder PLD (DPLD) decoding. The EPROM has a low power
mode that is controlled by the CMiser-Bit.
The ZPSD5XX family contains a 16Kbit standby SRAM that can be configured as
8 or 16 bit data width. Access time is 70 ns which includes address latching and
Decoder PLD (DPLD) decoding. The SRAM can be used as standby storage if standby
power is supplied to the Vstby pin. Switching between V
and Vstby occurs
Page Logic is connected to the ZPLDs and enables address space expansion of
Microcontrollers with limited address space capability. Up to 16 pages are available.