After the CONVERT input goes high again the MSB decision
is made and the successive approximation routine runs to
The CONVERT pulse can be as short as 200ns; however the
MSB must be allowed to settle for at least 550ns before the
MSB decision is made. To ensure that this criterion is met
even with short CONVERT pulses the converter waits, after
the CONVERT input goes high, for a rising clock edge followed
by a falling clock edge, the MSB decision being taken on the
falling clock edge. This ensures that the MSB is allowed to
settle for at least half a clock period, or 550ns at maximum
clock frequency. The CONVERT input is not locked out during
a conversion and if it is oulsed low at any time the converter
will restart.
output goes high simultaneously with the LSB
decision, at the end of a conversion indicating data valid. Note
that if the three-state data outputs are enabled during a
conversion the valid data will be available at the outputs after
the rising edge of the
signal. If, however the outputs are
not enabled until after
goes high then the data will be
subject to the propagation delay of the three-state buffers.
(See under DATA OUTPUTS).
Fig.3 ZN448/9 timing diagram