型號(hào): XTTEK300SE
英文描述: PSU 48V 6.3A U FRAME
中文描述: 電源48V的6.3AU框架
文件頁數(shù): 1/2頁
文件大小: 243K
代理商: XTTEK300SE
Low P rofile (1.5” )
S ing le , D ua l, Triple
a nd Q ua d O utputs
Univ e rs a l Input
W orldw ide A g e ncy
A pprov a ls
S m a lle r tha n
C om pa ra ble M ode ls
S tock to 6 W e e k s
D e liv e ry
100% B urn-in/
HiP ot Te s te d
T he c om pac t T E K 100 is
offered in s ing le, dual, triple
and quad outputs , c om plete
w ith s hort-c irc uit and
overvoltag e protec tion.
T he univers al input T E K 100
s eries is des ig ned for
c om plianc e w ith international
s afety and E M I s tandards .
M o d e l T E K 100
100 W att S w itc h M ode
Pow er S upply
S p e c ific a tio n s
Input S pe c ific ations
Input Voltag e: 90-264VA C
Input Frequency: 47-63 Hz
Input S urg e (c old s tart):
40A m ax @ 115 VA C ,
80A m ax @ 230 VA C
Key Fe ature s
R eliability (M T BF): 100,000 hrs .
S hort-C irc uit P rotec tion: Hic c up Type
O vervoltag e P rotec tion: 125% typic al
O vertem perature P rotec tion
E nv ironm e nta l
- O pe rating
Tem perature: 0 to 50°C R elative
Hum idity: 0 to 90% , non-c ondens ing
- S tora g e
Tem perature: -20 to 85°C
R elative Hum idity: 5 to 95% ,
non-c ondens ing
O utput S pe c ific ations
O utput Voltag es : 3.3, 5, 12, 15,
24, 48 V D C
A djus tability: V 1:±5%
O utput C urrent: s ee m odel table
Pow er O utput: 100W , c onvec tion c ooling
E ffic iency (@ m ax load): 70% m in.
- Tota l R e g ulation
S ing le O utput: ±1% (0-100% load)
M ultiple O utput:
M ain O utput: ±3% (20-100% load)
A uxiliary O utputs : ±5%
Tem perature C oeffic ient:
0.1% /°C , m ax.
R ipple and Nois e: 1% p-p
O vers hoot (turn on/off): No overs hoot
S tep Load R es pons e:
<5% for 20-100% c hang e
Turn-on D elay (120VA C ): 1 s ec, m ax.
Hold-up Tim e (120VA C ): 20 m s
D e s ig n S ta nda rds
S afety: UL, c UL, T UV, V D E , C E (Pending )
E M I: FC C Part 15 C las s B
V D E 0871 C las s A
P a ck a g e S iz e
1.5 (H) x 3.5 (W ) x 6.5 (L) inc hes
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