Subject to change without notice.
Binning and Labeling
Cree XLamp LEDs combine the brightness of power LED chips with a rugged package
capable of operating in excess of one watt. XLamp LEDs lead the solid-state lighting
industry in brightness while providing a reflow-solderable design that is optimized for
ease-of-use and thermal management. Lighting applications featuring XLamp LEDs
maximize light output and increase design flexibility, while minimizing environmental
This application note describes Cree’s procedures for sorting XLamp LEDs by color
(dominant wavelength or chromaticity) and brightness (flux) and then lists the order
codes encompassing these color and brightness groups for easy reference.
XLamp LEDs are tested and sorted into performance bins. A bin is specified by ranges of dominant wavelength and
brightness. Sorted XLamp LEDs are packaged on reels. A reel contains lamps from one bin and is labeled with its bin
code. For more information on packaging, see the XLamp LED Data Sheets.
XLamp LEDs are sold by order codes in combinations of bins called kits. Kits include a minimum of two dominant
wavelength groups and two brightness groups. Order codes are configured in the following manner:
L = Lambertian
G = Global *
Viewing angle (1 = 100 degrees)
Spatial pattern
Kit number
Color Codes
RY = Royal blue
BL = Blue
CN = Cyan
GR = Green
AM = Amber
RO = Red-orange
RD = Red
WT = White
* Global - an alternative white product that has higher efficacy with slightly lower color uniformity.
Kit number 0001 is always the order code encompassing the broadest range of color and brightness groups.