XC3000, XC3000A, XC3000L, XC3100, XC3100A Logic Cell Array Families
Introduced in 1987/88, XC3000 is the industry’s most
successful family of FPGAs, with over 10 million devices
shipped. In 1992/93, Xilinx introduced three additional
families, offering more speed, functionality, and a new
supply-voltage option.
There are now five distinct family groupings within the
XC3000 class of LCA devices.
XC3000 Family
XC3000A Family (use for new designs)
XC3000L Family (use for new designs)
XC3100 Family
XC3100A Family (use for new designs)
All five families share a common architecture, develop-
ment software, design and programming methodology,
and also common package pin-outs. An extensive Product
Description covers these common aspects. (Page 2-99).
The much shorter individual Product Specifications then
provide detailed parametric information for the four indi-
vidual product families.
Here is a simple overview.
XC3000 Family
The basic XC3000 family forms the cornerstone for the
rest of the XC3000 class of devices. The basic XC3000
family offers five different device densities with guaran-
teed toggle rates from 70 to 125 MHz.
XC3000A Family
The XC3000A is an enhanced version of the basic XC3000
family, featuring additional interconnect resources and
other user-friendly enhancements. The ease-of-use of the
XC3000A family makes it the obvious choice for all new
designs that do not require the speed of the XC3100 or the
3-V operation of the XC3000L.
XC3000L Family
The XC3000L is identical in architecture and features to
the XC3000A family, but operates at a nominal supply
voltage of 3.3 V. The XC3000L is the right solution for
battery-operated and low-power applications.
XC3100 Family
The XC3100 is a performance-optimized relative of the
basic XC3000 family. While both families are bitstream
and footprint compatible, the XC3100 family extends toggle
rates to 270 MHz and in-system performance to 80 MHz.
The XC3100 family also offers one additional array size,
the XC3195. The XC3100 is best suited for designs that
require the highest clock speed or the shortest net delays.
XC3100A Family
The XC3100A combines the enhanced feature set of the
XC3000A with the performance of the XC3100. It offers the
highest functionality, speed and capacity of all XC3000
The figure below illustrates the relationships between the
families. Compared to the original XC3000 family, XC3000A
offers additional functionality and , coming soon, increased
speed. The XC3000L family offers the same additional
functionality, but reduced speed due to its lower supply
voltage of 3.3 V. The XC3100 family offers no additional
functionality, but substantially higher speed, and higher
density with its new member, the XC3195.
Gate Capacity