p3 of 9
Rx Indication
Output for connecting to a receive indication LED. It
turns on for approximately 100ms when data has been
received from the host. This setting is available on any
VIO pin except VIO0.
Tx / Rx Indication
Output for connecting to a transmit / receive indication
LED. It turns on for approximately 100ms when data
has been transmitted to or received from the host. This
setting is available on any VIO pin except VIO0.
Configured Indication
Output that indicates when the USB interface has
completed configuration and the host has indicated that
the device may draw its full power setting. Prior to
configuration completing, the device should draw no
more than 100mA from the bus.
Note that the
configured indication continues to stay high when in
suspend mode, even though the device must consume
no more than 100μA during suspend. This setting is
available on any VIO pin except VIO0. Refer to table 4.
Suspend Indication
Output that indicates when the host is entering a sleep
state (active low). In this state, the device should draw
no more than 100μA from the bus, excluding the
consumption of the USB-SPI chip.
This setting is
available on any VIO pin except VIO0. Refer to table 4.
Host Ready Indication
Output that indicates when an application has signaled
that it has located the device, and it is available for
communication. This setting is available on any VIO pin
except VIO0. Refer to table 4.
Low Power Indication
Output which is high when the device must draw no
more than 100mA from the bus, rather than the
maximum power it has been configured for. This setting
is available on any VIO pin except VIO0. Refer table 4.
All-Systems-Go Indication
Output that indicates when the USB-SPI is configured
and not suspended. This setting is available on any VIO
pin except VIO0. Refer to table 4.
Table 4. USB Status Indication Logic
Host App
Low Pwr
All Sys Go#
Host Rdy
LP = Plugged into unpowered hub
HP = Plugged direct into host or powered hub
Rx Buffer Not Full
Buffer Not Full is an output, indicating that serial data
may be sent to the device for transmission to the PC. It
will transition to inactive when only 16 bytes of buffer
space remain. It will transition to active when 32 or
more bytes of buffer space remain. Data sent while
buffer space remains will be accepted, even if Buffer Not
Full is inactive. If data is sent after the buffer is full, it is
discarded; it does not overwrite data already in the
This setting is available on any VIO pin except VIO0.
Tx Buffer Empty
Output that indicates that there is no buffered data from
the PC waiting to be output through the SPI port. This
pin will change to low as soon as data is added to the
buffer, and to high as soon as the last byte starts to be
output from the serial port. This setting is available on
any VIO pin except VIO0.
Send is an input which controls when data is transmitted
to the host. This pin is normally held in the active state.
In the active state, data is buffered until 63 bytes have
arrived or SS# is released.
If the send pin is inactive, data will be buffered and not
transmitted to the host.
If the pin transitions to the
active state, an interrupt will be generated and the data
will be sent to the host immediately. Send must be on
Digital Input
Digital Input is a general purpose input. Its state can be
read using the Get Pin command.
This setting is
available on any VIO pin.
Digital Output
Digital Output is a general purpose output. Its state can
be set using the Set Pin command and read using the
Get Pin command.
On power-up and reset, it will
initialize to the inactive state. This setting is available on
any VIO pin except VIO0.
Interrupt is a general purpose input whose state can be
read using the Get Pin command. When it transitions
from the inactive state to the active state, it will generate
an Interrupt response. Interrupts must be on VIO9. If
this pin is connected to a switch it should be de-bounced
to avoid generating multiple Interrupt responses.
Analog Input
Analog Input is a general purpose analog input whose
voltage can be read using the Get Analog command.
This setting is available on VIO1 only on 28-pin devices
and VIO3 only on 20-pin devices.
Device Fuses
Fuses are non-volatile settings you may select to
customize your device.
For information on how to
modify them, refer to the device configuration section.
Write Lock
Once the write lock bit is set, all commands which
change the device strings and fuses will have no effect.
Unless otherwise configured, the default is unlocked.