p4 of 11
Interrupt is a general purpose input whose state can be
read using the Get Pin command. When it transitions
from the inactive state to the active state, it will generate
an Interrupt response. Interrupts must be on VIO9 or
VIO10. If this pin is connected to a switch it should be
de-bounced to avoid generating multiple Interrupt
Analog Input
Analog Input is a general purpose analog input whose
voltage can be read using the Get Analog command.
This setting is available on VIO1 only on 18LF2450-
based devices and VIO3 only on 18F14K50-based
Device Fuses
Fuses are non-volatile settings you may select to
customize your device.
For information on how to
modify them, refer to the device configuration section.
Write Lock
Once the write lock bit is set, all commands which
change the device strings and fuses will have no effect.
Unless otherwise configured, the default is unlocked.
Max Bus Power
The maximum power required by your product is
specified by the Max Bus Power fuse. It allows the host
to balance its power budget, and is subject to certain
1. No device may consume more than its Max Bus
Power specification at any time, and never more
than 500mA.
2. No device may consume more than 100mA unless
the Low Power output pin indicates it permitted to
do so.
3. If the Suspend mode output pin go high, (or the All-
Systems-Go / Host Ready outputs go low), the host
is in sleep mode and the product may draw no more
than 100μA from the bus (not including the power
consumed by the USB-232 chip).
Unless otherwise configured, the default value is 100mA.
Power Source
The device can be self powered only, USB bus powered
only, or both. If both, the Self Power sense input pin
should be used to indicate when the device is using its
own power and not consuming bus power.
information will be communicated to the host.
Unless otherwise configured, the default source is USB
Baud Rate
The serial baud rate can be set to any standard setting
from 110 baud to 460800 baud.
Unless otherwise
configured, the default baud rate is 9600. Note that
many PC-based RS232 port adapters do not correctly
generate baud rate 110 or those above 115200.
Flow Control
No flow control, Xon / Xoff (software) flow control or
RTC/CTS (hardware) flow control may be selected.
Unless otherwise configured, the default is RTS/CTS.
The Xon character is 0x11; the Xoff character is 0x13.
HID buffers discard old data if they get full. If your host
application might be too busy to process data
immediately, you may specify that all data transmitted to
the host must be acknowledged as read using an
acknowledge command before further data is send.
Unless otherwise configured, this is disabled by default.
the host may request
acknowledges every packed as having been processed.
In this case it acknowledges automatically.
acknowledge is sent when the data has been safely
buffered, not when it has completed outputting from TxD.
Bit Fields
All combinations of data bits (7 or 8), parity (None, Odd,
Even, Mark, Space) and stop bits (1 or 2) are permitted,
provided the total number of bits is 8 or 9 (excluding the
start and final stop bits). Unless otherwise configured,
this is 8N1 by default.
Parity information is automatically generated for
transmitted data.
The parity is stripped from the
received data but is not checked. If 2 stop bits are
specified, this will be applied to all transmitted data, but
is not required of received data unless the format is 7N2.
Remote Wakeup
A device may be configured to implement remote
wakeup. In this mode, a remote wakeup input pin may
be used to wake up the host. This feature requires
remote wakeup to be supported but the generic HID
driver on the host, and so performance is not
Unless otherwise configured, this is
disabled by default.
Custom VID / PID
Personalized Vendor and Product IDs are not required.
However, you may customize them if you wish. Unless
otherwise configured, the default Vendor ID is 0x0B40,
and the default Product ID 0x011A for the 18LF2450
and 0x011B for the 18F14K50.
Device Strings
Device strings are non-volatile Unicode strings stored by
the USB-232 and which may be read by the host PC
and all its applications.
For information on how to
modify them, refer to the customization section.
Product Name
The manufacturer name is a Unicode string of up to 61
characters plus zero terminator. The host application
can read this data using a Get Feature request for string
1. The host PC commonly displays this string while it is
installing the default HID driver when it is first inserted.
Unless otherwise configured, the default value is “USB-