2005 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS21477C-page 1
Bipolar A/D Conversion
2.5% Resolution
Direct LCD Display Drive
‘Thermometer’ BAR or DOT Display
40 Data Segments Plus Zero
Over Range Plus Polarity Indication
Precision On-Chip Reference: 35ppm/°C
Differential Analog Input
Low Input Leakage: 10pA
Display Flashes on Over Range
Display HOLD Mode
Auto-Zero Cycle Eliminates Zero Adjust
9V Battery Operation
Low Power Consumption: 1.1mW
20mV to 2.0V Full Scale Operation
Non-Multiplexed LCD Drive for Maximum
Viewing Angle
Device Selection Table
General Description
In many applications, a graphical display is preferred
over a digital display. Knowing a process or system
operates, for example, within design limits is more valu-
able than a direct system variable read out. A bar or
moving dot display supplies information precisely with-
out requiring further interpretation by the viewer.
The TC826 is a complete analog-to-digital converter
with direct liquid crystal (LCD) display drive. The 40
LCD data segments plus zero driver give a 2.5% reso-
lution bar display. Full scale differential input voltage
range extends from 20mV to 2V. The TC826 sensitivity
is 500
μV. A low drift 35ppm/°C internal reference, LCD
backplane oscillator and driver, input polarity LCD
driver, and over range LCD driver make designs simple
and low cost. The CMOS design required only 125A
from a 9V battery. In +5V systems, a TC7660 DC to DC
converter can supply the -5V supply. The differential
analog input leakage is a low 10pA.
Two display formats are possible. The BAR mode dis-
play is like a ‘thermometer’ scale. The LCD segment
driver that equals the input, plus all below it are on. The
DOT mode activates only the segment equal to the
input. In either mode, the polarity signal is active for
negative input signals. An over range input signal
causes the display to flash and activates the over range
annunciator. A HOLD mode can be selected that
freezes the display and prevents updating.
The dual slope integrating conversion method with
auto-zero phase maximizes noise immunity and elimi-
nates zero scale adjustment
potentiometers. Zero
scale drift is a low 5
μV/°C. Conversion rate is typically
5 per second and is adjustable by a single external
A compact, 0.5" square, flat package minimizes PC
board area. The high pin count LSI package makes
multiplexed LCD displays unnecessary. Low cost,
direct drive LCD displays offer the widest viewing angle
and are readily available. A standard display is avail-
able now for TC826 prototyping work.
Part Number
Temperature Range
64-Pin PQFP
°C to +70°C
Analog-to-Digital Converter with Bar Graph Display Output
Obsolete Device