Note B39: Clamp Det ()
Pin 7 : GP Pulse ON.
Apply 2.0V to pin 8.
Apply 9.0V to pin 25.
Pin 24 : OPEN.
Apply 4.5V to pin 23.
Measure voltage at pin 29. (V29)
Apply 4.0V to pin 23.
Measure voltage at pin 29. (V29b)
Calculate voltage change. (V29b V29)
Note B40: HP Pulse Threshold Voltage.
Input Sand Castle Pulse to pin 7.
Decrease H.BLK level until disappear normal pulse at pin 3. Then, Increase H.BLK level.
Measure H.BLK level when normal pulse appear at pin 3.
Note B41: GP Pulse Threshold Voltage.
Input Sand Castle Pulse to pin 7.
Decrease Gate-Pulse level until voltage at pin 26 isn’t clamped to 5.2V, Then increase
Gate-Pulse level. Measure Gate-Pulse level when voltage at pin 26 is clamped to 5.2V.
Note C1:
Power Supply Current.
Input f = 225fH, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 11.
Pin 13 and 15 are no input. (S1, S2 = b)
After 20s from (1), Measure the current from power supply.
Note C2:
Pin 11~20 Terminal Voltage.
Input f = 225fH, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 11.
Pin 13 and 15 are no input. (S1, S2 = b)
Measure the voltage at each pin.
Note C3:
Input-Output Gain.
Input f = 225fH, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 11.
Apply external bias voltage to pin 13 and 15 so that the voltage at pin 13 and 15 are 0.2V
higher than voltage when no input.
Input f = 15kHz, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 13 and 15. (S1, S2 = c) (VIN)
Measure output signal amplitude at pin 16 and 19. (VOUT)
Calculate gain.
G1 (G2) = 20og (VOUT / VIN) [dB]
Note C4:
Frequency Response
Input f = 225fH, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 11.
Apply external bias voltage to pin 13 and 15 so that the voltage at pin 13 and 15 are 0.2V
higher than voltage when no input.
Input f = 1.17MHz, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 13 and 15. (S1, S2 = c) (VIN)
Measure output signal amplitude at pin 16 and 19. (VOUT)
Calculate gain.
G = 20 og
(VOUT / VIN) [dB]
Calculate frequency response.
fch1 (fch2) = G1 (G2) G [dB]
Note C5:
Output Impedance.
Input f = 225fH, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 11.
Apply external bias voltage to pin 13 and 15 so that the voltage at pin 13 and 15 are 0.2V
higher than voltage when no input.
Input f = 15kHz, Lev = 0.3Vp-p signal to pin 13 and 15. (S1, S2 = c)
Measure output level (15KHz component) at pin 16 and 19. (Vouta)
Measure output level (15KHz component) with load at pin 16 and 19. (Voutb)
Calculate output impedance.
Zo1 (Zo2) = (10
1)×300 []