Exar Corporation 48720 Kato Road, Fremont CA, 94538 50-668-707 www.exar.com
ESD-protection structures are incorporated
on all pins to protect against electrostatic
discharges encountered during handling and
assembly. The driver output and receiver inputs
of the SP3244E/3245E have extra protection
against static electricity. Exar uses state-of-the-
art structures to protect these pins against ESD
of ±15kV without damage. The ESD structures
withstand high ESD in all states: normal opera-
tion, shutdown, and powered down. After an
ESD event, the SP3244E/3245E keep working
without latch-up or damage.
ESD protection can be tested in various ways.
The transmitter outputs and receiver inputs of
the SP3244/3245 are characterized for protec-
tion to the following limits:
±15kV using the Human Body Model
Auto On-Line Plus provides greater power
savings in typical operation because the trans-
ceiver will go into low power standby mode
unless a communication link is in use. Signals
such as CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, or RI will typi-
cally change signal-state to establish hand-
shaking before any actual data-communication
takes place. Transitions on these handshake
signals will wake up the Auto On-Line Plus
transceiver to prepare it for sending data
(tONLINE 100μs typical).
Receivers remain active to detect incoming
signals in Auto On-Line Plus standby mode.
Receiver outputs may be disabled by enter-
ing manual shutdown by driving SHUTDOWN
pin to logic 0. A special non-inverted receiver
output R2OUT remains active in all modes,
including SHUTDOWN pin at logic 0.
In some applications if there is a significant
delay (greater than tOFFLINE) between the
handshaking transitions and the start of data
communication the transceiver may enter
Auto On-Line Plus standby mode before data
communication begins. The tOFFLINE interval
is at least 5 seconds and no longer than 60
In applications where the transceiver needs to
remain active anytime it is connected to live
RS-232 signals, even if those signals remain
idle for longer than tOFFLINE, then the STATUS
output may be used to drive the ONLINE pin.
The STATUS output pin functions the same
in both Auto On-Line and Auto On-line Plus
devices. STATUS will output logic 1 if any of
the receiver inputs are driven greater than
±2.7V magnitude by incoming RS-232 signals
and drives logic 0 if receiver inputs are float-
ing or driven to ground (see page 4). Driv-
ing the ONLINE pin with the STATUS output
disables Auto On-line Plus (Forced On-Line)
whenever RS-232 voltages are seen on any
receiver inputs. If no RS-232 voltages are seen
on the receiver inputs the Auto On-Line Plus
transceiver will still activate its charge pump
and driver outputs when the driver inputs are
active. This allows the transceiver to signal a
remote Auto On-Line or Auto On-Line Plus,
on the other end of the data cable, to wake up.
The STATUS output pin remains active in all
modes, including SHUTDOWN pin at logic 0.
Connecting STATUS output to drive both
ONLINE and SHUTDOWN will wake the trans-
ceiver if any receiver inputs are driven greater
than ±2.7V magnitude and put the transceiver
into Forced Shutdown mode if all receiver inputs
are floating or driven to ground.