SAB 80C515A/83C515A-5
Semiconductor Group
Fail Safe Units
The SAB 80C515A offers enhanced fail safe mechanisms, which allow an automatic recovery
from software upset or hardware failure:
– a programmable watchdog timer (WDT), with variable time-out period from 512
s up to
appr. 1.1 s @12 MHz. Upward compatible to SAB 80C515 watchdog timer.
– an oscillator watchdog (OWD) which monitors the on-chip oscillator and forces the
microcontroller into reset state, in case the on-chip oscillator fails; it also controls the restart
from the Hardware Power Down Mode and provides the clock for a fast internal reset after
Programmable Watchdog Timer
The WDT can be activated by hardware or software.
Hardware initialization is done when pin PE/SWD (Pin 4) is held high during RESET. The
SAB 80C515A then starts program execution with the WDT running. Since pin PE/SWD is only
sampled during Reset, the WDT cannot be started externally during normal operation.
Software initialization is done by setting bit SWDT in SFR IEN1.
A refresh of the watchdog timer is done by setting bits WDT (SFR IEN0) and SWDT
consecutively. This double instruction sequence has been implemented to increase system
When a watchdog timer reset occurs, the watchdog timer keeps on running, but a status flag
WDTS (SFR IP0) is set. This flag can also be cleared by software.
Figure 7 shows the block diagram of the programmable Watchdog Timer.
Oscillator Watchdog
The unit serves three functions:
– Monitoring of the on-chip oscillator’s function.
The watchdog monitors the on-chip oscillator’s frequency; if it is lower than the frequency of
the auxiliary RC oscillator in the watchdog unit, the internal clock is supplied by the RC
oscillator and the device is forced into reset; if the failure condition disappears (i.e. the on-
chip oscillator has again a higher frequency than the RC oscillator), the part executes a final
reset phase of appr. 0.25 ms in order to allow the oscillator to stabilize; then the oscillator
watchdog reset is released and the part starts program execution again.
– Restart from the Hardware Power Down Mode.
If the Hardware Power Down Mode is terminated the oscillator watchdog has to control the
correct start-up of the on-chip oscillator and to restart the program. The oscillator watchdog
function is only part of the complete Hardware Power Down sequence; however, the
watchdog works identically to the monitoring function.
– Fast internal reset after power-on.
In this function the oscillator watchdog unit provides a clock supply for the reset before the
on-chip oscillator has started. In this case the oscillator watchdog unit also works identically
to the monitoring function.