Timer Module (TIM16B8CV2) Block Description
MC9S12HY/HA-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor
This timer can be used for many purposes, including input waveform measurements while simultaneously
generating an output waveform. Pulse widths can vary from microseconds to many seconds.
This timer contains 8 complete input capture/output compare channels and one pulse accumulator. The
input capture function is used to detect a selected transition edge and record the time. The output compare
function is used for generating output signals or for timer software delays. The 16-bit pulse accumulator
is used to operate as a simple event counter or a gated time accumulator. The pulse accumulator shares
timer channel 7 when in event mode.
A full access for the counter registers or the input capture/output compare registers should take place in
one clock cycle. Accessing high byte and low byte separately for all of these registers may not yield the
same result as accessing them in one word.
The TIM16B8CV2 includes these distinctive features:
Eight input capture/output compare channels.
Clock prescaling.
16-bit counter.
16-bit pulse accumulator.
Modes of Operation
Timer is off because clocks are stopped.
Timer counter keep on running, unless TSFRZ in TSCR1 (0x0006) is set to 1.
Counters keep on running, unless TSWAI in TSCR1 (0x0006) is set to 1.
Timer counter keep on running, unless TEN in TSCR1 (0x0006) is cleared to 0.