August 12, 2004 S29PL127J_064J_032J_MCP_00_A3
S29PL127J/S29PL064J/S29PL032J for MCP
A d v a n c e I n f o r m a t i o n
The reset command may be written between the sequence cycles in an autoselect
command sequence. Once in the autoselect mode, the reset command must be
written to return to the read mode. If a bank entered the autoselect mode while
in the Erase Suspend mode, writing the reset command returns that bank to the
erase-suspend-read mode.
If DQ5 goes high during a program or erase operation, writing the reset command
returns the banks to the read mode (or erase-suspend-read mode if that bank
was in Erase Suspend).
Autoselect Command Sequence
The autoselect command sequence allows the host system to access the manu-
facturer and device codes, and determine whether or not a sector is protected.
The autoselect command sequence may be written to an address within a bank
that is either in the read or erase-suspend-read mode. The autoselect command
may not be written while the device is actively programming or erasing in the
other bank.
The autoselect command sequence is initiated by first writing two unlock cycles.
This is followed by a third write cycle that contains the bank address and the au-
toselect command. The bank then enters the autoselect mode. The system may
read any number of autoselect codes without reinitiating the command sequence.
shows the address and data requirements. To determine sector protec-
tion information, the system must write to the appropriate bank address (BA) and
sector address (SA). Table
shows the address range and bank number associ-
ated with each sector.
The system must write the reset command to return to the read mode (or erase-
suspend-read mode if the bank was previously in Erase Suspend).
Enter Secured Silicon Sector/Exit Secured Silicon Sector Command
The Secured Silicon Sector region provides a secured data area containing a ran-
dom, eight word electronic serial number (ESN). The system can access the
Secured Silicon Sector region by issuing the three-cycle Enter Secured Silicon
Sector command sequence. The device continues to access the Secured Silicon
Sector region until the system issues the four-cycle Exit Secured Silicon Sector
command sequence. The Exit Secured Silicon Sector command sequence returns
the device to normal operation. The Secured Silicon Sector is not accessible when
the device is executing an Embedded Program or embedded Erase algorithm.
shows the address and data requirements for both command sequences.
See also “Secured Silicon Sector Flash Memory Region” for further information.
Note that the ACC function and unlock bypass modes are not available when the
Secured Silicon Sector is enabled.
Word Program Command Sequence
Programming is a four-bus-cycle operation. The program command sequence is
initiated by writing two unlock write cycles, followed by the program set-up com-
mand. The program address and data are written next, which in turn initiate the
Embedded Program algorithm. The system is
required to provide further con-
trols or timings. The device automatically provides internally generated program
pulses and verifies the programmed cell margin. Table
shows the address and
data requirements for the program command sequence.
Note that the Secured