Filtronic Components Ltd., Airedale House, Royal London Industrial Estate, Acorn Park, Shipley,
West Yorkshire, BD17 7SW, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44 (1274) 531602, Fax: +44 (1274) 539724, Email: sales@fcl.com
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Man Portable Radar Warning Receiver
Application Information
The Amplitude Measurement Module and the Frequency Measurement Module are
designed to be used together as the front end for a Radar Warning Receiver. The
configuration described here has two Amplitude Modules facilitating direction of
approach measurement from 4 directional antennae. If desired, only one Amplitude
Module can be used in conjunction with an omni directional antenna forming a simple
Radar Warning Receiver for simple classification of the threat signal. The unused
input ports must be terminated with 50
Both modules feature a power saving standby mode that turns off the bias to the
microwave amplifiers. The power supply can be removed completely for better
power efficiency but there is a penalty to pay in start-up time as the modules
incorporate switch mode DC-DC converters that take time to stabilise. The amplitude
module also incorporates a CW removal circuit which can take up to 30ms to
The frequency measurement module requires an externally generated latch signal to
hold the frequency data word on the digital output. This can be derived from the
amplitude measurement video output or from some other source. The responsibility
for generating the latch rests with the application circuit. Refer to figure 3 for timing
information for the latch generation.
Options and Future Developments
Other configurations may be possible, e.g., SMA connectors instead of SSMA,
custom outline, different logging range, etc. In addition Filtronic is developing this
product further to provide extended frequency range and a back end control system to
integrate the trigger, direction of approach and emitter characterisation functions.
Please contact the factory for further details.
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy this release, please check with the
factory for the latest information.