Micrel, Inc.
September 2011
1. Static Address Table Read (Read the 2
nd Entry)
Write to reg. 121 (0x79) with 0x10
// Read static table selected
Write to reg. 122 (0x7A) with 0x01
// Trigger the read operation
Read reg. 124 (0x7C), static table bits [57:56]
Read reg. 125 (0x7D), static table bits [55:48]
Read reg. 126 (0x7E), static table bits [47:40]
Read reg. 127 (0x7F), static table bits [39:32]
Read reg. 128 (0x80), static table bits [31:24]
Read reg. 129 (0x81), static table bits [23:16]
Read reg. 130 (0x82), static table bits [15:8]
Read reg. 131 (0x83), static table bits [7:0]
2. Static Address Table Write (Write the 8
th Entry)
Write to reg. 124 (0x7C), static table bits [57:56]
Write to reg. 125 (0x7D), static table bits [55:48]
Write to reg. 126 (0x7E), static table bits [47:40]
Write to reg. 127 (0x7F), static table bits [39:32]
Write to reg. 128 (0x80), static table bits [31:24]
Write to reg. 129 (0x81), static table bits [23:16]
Write to reg. 130 (0x82), static table bits [15:8]
Write to reg. 131 (0x83), static table bits [7:0]
Write to reg. 121 (0x79) with 0x00
// Write static table selected
Write to reg. 122 (0x7A) with 0x07
// Trigger the write operation