In the system illustrated by Figure 6, the host also controls the
mode of operation of the FFT processor. The DEF signal is
produced from an address decode, and the control
parameters are loaded from the host bus by connecting the
AUX inputs to the data outputs.
Real Only Transfprms With a Single Device
In the simplest case real transforms can, of course, be
computed by forcing zero levels on the imaginary input pins.
The device can, however, be configured to internally perform
two simultaneous real transforms instead of a single complex
transform. The block floating point logic will then use data from
both blocks when it determines the number of shifts to be
applied. This dual transform technique is used to increase the
maximum permissible sampling rates, but since an additional
data pass is required in order to un-scramble the transformed
data, the actual performance is not quite double that possible
with a complex transform of the same size. The 4 x 64 point
complex mode becomes an 8 x 64 real mode, but the change
from 16 x 16 complex transforms to 32 x 16 real transforms is
not supported.
When a real transform is performed the algorithm produces
complex results for each of the incoming data blocks, but each
result only represents the first half of the frequency domain
data. This does not cause any loss of information since the two
halves are mirror images of each other. As with complex
transforms, it is necessary for a different system configuration
to be used when 1024 point transforms are required. These
are considered later, and the following only applies to 256 or
64 point transforms.
In a single device system, performing non overlapped
transforms on data from a SINGLE source, only the Real input
pins are used, and the Imaginary inputs are redundant except
when configuring the device. By setting Control Register Bits
8:6 to 101, however, it is possible for a single device to accept
data from two independent sources using the real and
imaginary inputs. Maximum sampling rates will then only be
half those possible when a single source is used, if no
incoming data is to remain un-processed. With two sources a
transform must be completed in the time to load parallel
blocks, otherwise incoming data will be lost. With one source
a transform need not be finished until two data blocks have
been acquired. In this dual input mode results from data on the
real inputs always precede those from the imaginary inputs.
If block overlapping is needed, it is always necessary to load
pairs of data blocks simultaneously, using both the real and
imaginary inputs. With dual sources of data this presents no
problem, and Control Bits 8:6 should be set to 110 or 111 for
the relevant amount of overlapping. If data is from a single
source an external FIFO is needed to provide a simple delay
for a block of data. Decodes 001 through 100 from Control Bits
8:6 must be used to select the required overlap.
Valid transformed data is actually available within the device
from DAV going active until INEN again goes active, and a
new set of data is loaded. The output tristate drivers, however,
normally go high impedance when DAV goes in-active once a
dump operation has been completed. In order to support
systems in which it may be necessary to read the transformed
data more than once, a Control Register Bit is provided which
keeps the DAV output active until a further INEN edge is
received. The user must then keep track of how many outputs
have been dumped before INEN is generated to start a new
load operation.
The DAV output can be delayed by an amount equivalent to
the pipeline delay through the PDSP16330. This option is
invoked by setting a control bit, and allows DAV to indicate that
polar data is available at the output of the PDSP16330. When
the option is used the tri-state outputs will be enabled when
data is actually available and DEN is active, and not when DAV
eventually goes active.
Two Control Register Bits allow a range of dump size options
to be supported. In some applications the results of interest
may only lie in the lower 25 or 50% of the frequency bins, the
sampling rate having been chosen to prevent aliasing, and the
transform size having been selected to give the required
frequency resolution. In other systems it is only necessary to
output the second half of a given sized transform. This is useful
when filtering is to be performed in the frequency domain using
Overlap /Discard Fast Convolutions. With this method FIR
filters with N taps can be implemented in the frequency domain
using 50% overlapped transforms on 2N samples. After
multiplication in the frequency domain with the required
frequency response, the inverse transform is performed and
the first half of each output is discarded. Since only half the
results are dumped, the dump clock need not be twice the rate
of the clock used to load data.
Full Co- Processor Operation
A single device can be configured as a co-processor to a host
system in which both the loading and dumping of data is under
the control of the host. Such a system is shown in Figure 6, in
which DEN is a host provided enable for host read operations,
and INEN is an enable for host write operations. DIS and DOS
are host data strobes.
The host loads a block of data into the PDSP16515A, using
DIS enabled by INEN, which is then automatically
transformed. The DAV output provides a flag indicating that
the transform is complete, and results are then read by the
host using DOS enabled by DEN. A new set of inputs is not
normally loaded until the previous results are complete. If,
however, 1024 point transforms are not to be performed,
loading new data could coincide with dumping previous
results. This, however, would require a host system with
separate input and output buses, and which also allowed
coincident transfers. As discussed previously, transferring
results must take no longer than loading new data to prevent
corruption of the outputs.