Chapter 7 Enhanced Capture Timer (S12ECT16B8CV2)
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.17
Freescale Semiconductor
This section describes interrupts originated by the ECT block. The MCU must service the interrupt
Table 7-37
lists the interrupts generated by the ECT to communicate with the MCU.
Table 7-37. ECT Interrupts
The ECT only originates interrupt requests. The following is a description of how the module makes a
request and how the MCU should acknowledge that request. The interrupt vector offset and interrupt
number are chip dependent.
Channel [7:0] Interrupt
This active high output will be asserted by the module to request a timer channel 7–0 interrupt to be
serviced by the system controller.
Modulus Counter Interrupt
This active high output will be asserted by the module to request a modulus counter underflow interrupt
to be serviced by the system controller.
Pulse Accumulator B Overflow Interrupt
This active high output will be asserted by the module to request a timer pulse accumulator B overflow
interrupt to be serviced by the system controller.
Pulse Accumulator A Input Interrupt
This active high output will be asserted by the module to request a timer pulse accumulator A input
interrupt to be serviced by the system controller.
Pulse Accumulator A Overflow Interrupt
This active high output will be asserted by the module to request a timer pulse accumulator A overflow
interrupt to be serviced by the system controller.
Timer Overflow Interrupt
This active high output will be asserted by the module to request a timer overflow interrupt to be serviced
by the system controller.
Interrupt Source
Timer channel 7–0
Modulus counter underflow
Pulse accumulator B overflow
Pulse accumulator A input
Pulse accumulator A overflow
Timer overflow
Active high timer channel interrupts 7–0
Active high modulus counter interrupt
Active high pulse accumulator B interrupt
Active high pulse accumulator A input interrupt
Pulse accumulator overflow interrupt
Timer 0verflow interrupt