1997 Dec 15
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification
8-bit microcontrollers
P83C524; P80C528; P83C528
80C51 CPU
32 kbytes on-chip ROM, expandable externally to
64 kbytes Program Memory address space
– 16 kbytes on-chip ROM, expandable externally from
32 kbytes to 64 kbytes Program Memory address
space (address space 16 k to 32 k not usable)
– ROMless version of P83C528
– 32 kbytes on-chip ROM, expandable externally from
32 kbytes to 64 kbytes Program Memory address
EPROM versions are available: see separate data sheet
P87C524 and P87C528
512 bytes on-chip RAM, expandable externally to
64 kbytes Data Memory address space
Four 8-bit I/O ports
Full-duplex UART compatible with the standard 80C51
and the 8052
Two standard 16-bit timer/counters
An additional 16-bit timer (functionally equivalent to the
timer 2 of the 8052)
On-chip Watchdog Timer (WDT) with an own oscillator
Bit-level I
C-bus hardware serial I/O Port
7-source and 7-vector interrupt structure with 2 priority
Up to 3 external interrupt request inputs
Two programmable power reduction modes (Idle and
Termination of Idle mode by any interrupt, external or
WDT (watchdog) reset
Wake-up from Power-down by external interrupt,
external or WDT reset
ROM code protection
XTAL frequency range: 3.5 MHz to 16 MHz and
3.5 MHz to 24 MHz
All packaging pin-outs fully compatible to the standard
The P83C524 and P83C528 single-chip 8-bit
microcontrollers are manufactured in an advanced CMOS
process and are derivatives of the PCB80C51
microcontroller family. These devices provide architectural
enhancements that make them applicable in a variety of
applications in general control systems, especially in those
systems which need a large ROM and RAM capacity on
The P83C524 and P83C528 contain a non-volatile
16 k
8 respectively 32 k
8 read-only program memory,
a volatile 512 bytes
8 read/write data memory, four 8-bit
I/O ports, two 16-bit timer/event counters (identical to the
timers of the 80C51), a 16-bit timer (identical to the timer 2
of the 8052), a multi-source, two-priority-level, nested
interrupt structure, two serial interfaces (UART and
bit-level I
C-bus), a watchdog timer (WDT) with a separate
oscillator, an on-chip oscillator and timing circuits. For
systems that require extra capability, the P83C524 and
P83C528 can be expanded using standard TTL
compatible memories and logic.
The device also functions as an arithmetic processor
having facilities for both binary and BCD arithmetic plus
bit-handling capabilities. The P83C524 and P83C528
have the same instruction set as the PCB80C51 which
consists of over 100 instructions: 49 one-byte, 46 two-byte
and 16 three-byte. With a 16 MHz crystal, 58% of the
instructions are executed in 750 ns and 40% in 1.5
Multiply and divide instructions require 3