Chapter 1 Device Overview MC9S12XE-Family
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.07
Freescale Semiconductor
Emulation of Single-Chip Mode
Developers use this mode for emulation systems in which the user’s target application is normal
of ROMON and EROMON bit. In this mode the internal operation is visible on external bus interface.
Special Test Mode
Freescale internal use only.
Power Modes
The MCU features two main low-power modes. Consult the respective module description for module
specific behavior in system stop, system pseudo stop, and system wait mode. An important source of
information about the clock system is the Clock and Reset Generator description (CRG).
System Stop Modes
The system stop modes are entered if the CPU executes the STOP instruction unless either the XGATE is
active or an NVM command is active. The XGATE is active if it executes a thread or the XGFACT bit in
the XGMCTL register is set. Depending on the state of the PSTP bit in the CLKSEL register the MCU
goes into pseudo stop mode or full stop mode. Please refer to CRG description. Asserting RESET, XIRQ,
IRQ or any other interrupt that is not masked exits system stop modes. System stop modes can be exited
by XGATE or CPU activity independently, depending on the configuration of the interrupt request. If
System-Stop is exited on an XGATE request then, as long as the XGATE does not set an interrupt flag on
the CPU and the XGATE fake activity bit (FACT) remains cleared, once XGATE activity is completed
System Stop mode will automatically be re-entered.
If the CPU executes the STOP instruction whilst XGATE is active or an NVM command is being
processed, then the system clocks continue running until XGATE/NVM activity is completed. If a
the STOP instruction has been executed.
Full Stop Mode
The oscillator is stopped in this mode. By default all clocks are switched off and all counters and dividers
remain frozen. The Autonomous Periodic Interrupt (API) and ATD modules may be enabled to self wake
on the PLL internal clock without starting the oscillator clock.
Pseudo Stop Mode
In this mode the system clocks are stopped but the oscillator is still running and the real time interrupt
(RTI) and watchdog (COP), API and ATD modules may be enabled. Other peripherals are turned off. This
mode consumes more current than system stop mode but, as the oscillator continues to run, the full speed
wake up time from this mode is significantly shorter.