Chapter 1 Device Overview MC9S12XD-Family
MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.17
Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 1 Device Overview MC9S12XD-Family
The MC9S12XD family will retain the low cost, power consumption, EMC and code-size efficiency
advantages currently enjoyed by users of Freescale's existing 16-Bit MC9S12 MCU Family.
Based around an enhanced S12 core, the MC9S12XD family will deliver 2 to 5 times the performance of
a 25-MHz S12 whilst retaining a high degree of pin and code compatibility with the S12.
The MC9S12XD family introduces the performance boosting XGATE module. Using enhanced DMA
functionality, this parallel processing module offloads the CPU by providing high-speed data processing
and transfer between peripheral modules, RAM, Flash EEPROM and I/O ports. Providing up to 80 MIPS
of performance additional to the CPU, the XGATE can access all peripherals, Flash EEPROM and the
RAM block.
The MC9S12XD family is composed of standard on-chip peripherals including up to 512 Kbytes of Flash
(SCI), three serial peripheral interfaces (SPI), an 8-channel IC/OC enhanced capture timer, an 8-channel,
10-bit analog-to-digital converter, a 16-channel, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter, an 8-channel
pulse-width modulator (PWM), five CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible modules (MSCAN12), two
inter-IC bus blocks, and a periodic interrupt timer. The MC9S12XD family has full 16-bit data paths
The non-multiplexed expanded bus interface available on the 144-pin versions allows an easy interface to
external memories
The inclusion of a PLL circuit allows power consumption and performance to be adjusted to suit
stop mode” feature.
In addition to the I/O ports available in each module, up to 25 further I/O ports are available with interrupt
capability allowing wake-up from stop or wait mode.
Family members in 144-pin LQFP will be available with external bus interface and parts in 112-pin LQFP
Appendix EDerivativeDifferences