Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet
June 1999
ORCA Series 2 FPGAs
Absolute Maximum Ratings, 129
Adder (see LUT Operating Modes)
Overview, 5
PLC, 22
PIC, 25
Bidirectional Buffers (BIDIs), 14, 17, 18, 20, 22
(see also Routing and SLIC)
Bit Stream (see FPGA Configuration)
Bit Stream Error Checking, 47
(see also FPGA States of Operation)
Boundary Scan, 54—59
Clock Distribution Network, 37—39
Selecting Clock Input Pins, 39
Clock Enable (CE), 1, 5, 7, 15, 16, 24, 134
Comparator (see LUT Operating Modes)
Configuration (see FPGA States of Operation
or FPGA Configuration)
Control Inputs, 5, 7
Electrical Characteristics, 130
Error Checking (see FPGA Configuration)
5 V Tolerant I/O, 26—27, 64
FPGA Configuration
Configuration Frame Format, 43—46
Configuration Modes, 47, 158—160
Asynchronous Peripheral Mode, 49, 163
Daisy-Chaining, 51
Master Parallel Mode, 47
Master Serial Mode, 162
Slave Parallel Mode, 48, 50, 161, 166
Slave Serial Mode, 49—50, 165
Synchronous Peripheral Mode, 48, 164
Data Format, 43—45
Using ORCA Foundry to Generate RAM Data, 43
FPGA States of Operation, 40—43
Configuration, 41
Initialization, 40
Other Configuration Options, 43
Partial Reconfiguration, 43
Reconfiguration, 42
Start-Up, 41
GSR (see GSRN)
GSRN, 6, 7, 16, 37, 134
IEEE Standard 1149.1, 1
(see also Boundary Scan)
Initialization (see FPGA States of Operation)
Input/Output Buffers (see PICs)
Measurement Conditions, 169
Output Buffer Characteristics, 170—172
JTAG (see Boundary Scan)
Look-up Table (LUT) Operating Modes, 7—15
Adder-Subtractor Submode, 10
Counter Submode, 11
Equality Comparators, 11
Logic Modes, 7—9
Memory Mode, 12—15
Asynchronous Memory, 12
Synchronous Memory, 13
Multiplier Submode, 11
Ripple Mode, 10
LSR, 5—7, 15—16
Maximum Ratings (see Absolute Maximum Ratings)
Multiplier (see LUT Operating Modes)
ORCA Foundry Development System Overview, 4
Ordering Information, 189
Package Matrix, 190
Package Options, 189
Temperature Options, 189
Voltage Options, 189
Output (see PICs)
Package Outline Drawings, 174—186
Package Matrix, 190
Package Outline Drawings, 173
84-Pin PLCC, 174
100-Pin TQFP, 175
144-Pin TQFP, 176