The MRFIC2401 consists of a two–stage GaAs MESFET
low noise amplifier and a single ended MESFET mixer. The
LNA design conserves bias current through stacking of the
two FETs, thus reusing the current. The mixer consists of a
common gate stage driving a common source stage with the
IF output being the drain of the common source stage
shunted with 15 pF. The LNA output and mixer input have
been separated to allow the addition of an external image fil-
ter. Such a filter, usually ceramic, is useful in improving the
mixer noise figure and third order intercept performance. It
also provides LO rejection to reduce the amount of LO power
which may leak to the antenna. Alternatively, image trapping
can be implemented at the LNA input or output with discrete
or distributed components.
The design has been optimized for best performance from
2.4 to 2.5 GHz, but the device is usable with reduced perfor-
mance from 2.0 to 3.0 GHz as shown in the performance
curves. These curves were generated using the circuit
shown in Figure 1 and performance above 2.5 GHz can be
enhanced by rematching the LO input port. Matching circuit
details are shown for IFs of 110 MHz, 240 MHz, and
325 MHz matched to 50
and LO frequencies consistent
with an RF frequency of 2.45 GHz. Customized IF matching
can be accomplished by using the Equivalent IF Output cir-
cuit model shown in Figure 2. The best gain/noise figure
tradeoff match is shown in the LNA input impedance column
of Table 1. The LO input impedance is shown in the same
table. These numbers are derived from conjugate match
measurements of the applications circuit. The LNA output
and mixer input are matched to 50 .
As with all RF circuitry, layout is important. Controlled
impedance lines should be used at all RF ports. RF bypas-
sing of power supply connections as close to the part as pos-
sible, while not always shown in the applications circuit, are
recommended. Additional power supply “stiffening” and digi-
tal transient bypassing should be accomplished with electro-
lytic or tantalum capacitors.
The device can be placed in a reduced current “standby”
mode by applying 5.0 Vdc to the STANDBY pin and remov-
ing the LO drive. Further current reduction “sleep” mode, is
enabled by applying 0 Vdc to VDD/SLEEP. This sleep mode
can also be used to disable the LNA under high signal level
conditions and give higher input intercept point if VDD is still
applied to the mixer.
Evaluation boards are available for RF Monolithic Inte-
grated Circuits by adding a “TF” suffix to the device type.
For a complete list of currently available boards and ones
in development for newly introduced poduct, please con-
tact your local Motorola Distributor or Sales Office.