Motorola Sensor Device Data
Figure 2 shows the typical output characteristics of the
MPX53/MPXV53GC series over temperature.
The piezoresistive pressure sensor element is a semicon-
ductor device which gives an electrical output signal propor-
tional to the pressure applied to the device. This device uses
a unique transverse voltage diffused semiconductor strain
gauge which is sensitive to stresses produced in a thin sili-
con diaphragm by the applied pressure.
Because this strain gauge is an integral part of the silicon
diaphragm, there are no temperature effects due to differ-
ences in the thermal expansion of the strain gauge and the
diaphragm, as are often encountered in bonded strain gauge
pressure sensors. However, the properties of the strain
gauge itself are temperature dependent, requiring that the
device be temperature compensated if it is to be used over
an extensive temperature range.
Temperature compensation and offset calibration can be
achieved rather simply with additional resistive components,
or by designing your system using the MPX2053 series
Several approaches to external temperature compensa-
tion over both –40 to +125
C and 0 to +80
C ranges are
presented in Motorola Applications Note AN840.
Linearity refers to how well a transducer’s output follows
the equation: V
= V
+ sensitivity x P over the operating
pressure range (see Figure 3). There are two basic methods
for calculating nonlinearity: (1) end point straight line fit or (2)
a least squares best line fit. While a least squares fit gives
the “best case” linearity error (lower numerical value), the
calculations required are burdensome.
Conversely, an end point fit will give the “worst case” error
(often more desirable in error budget calculations) and the
calculations are more straightforward for the user. Motoro-
la’s specified pressure sensor linearities are based on the
end point straight line method measured at the midrange
Figure 2. Output versus Pressure Differential
Figure 3. Linearity Specification Comparison
Figure 4. Cross–Sectional Diagram (not to scale)
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Figure 4 illustrates the differential or gauge configuration
in the unibody chip carrier (Case 344). A silicone gel isolates
the die surface and wire bonds from the environment, while
allowing the pressure signal to be transmitted to the silicon
The MPX53/MPXV53GC series pressure sensor operating
characteristics and internal reliability and qualification tests
are based on use of dry air as the pressure media. Media
other than dry air may have adverse effects on sensor perfor-
mance and long term reliability. Contact the factory for in-
formation regarding media compatibility in your application.