When a processor brings data into its on–chip cache and
modifies it, a situation has arisen in which the main memory
now contains irrelevant, or stale, data. Given that most sys-
tems support some form of DMA there must exist a means by
which the processor is forced to write this modified, or dirty,
data back to main memory. The DMA bridge is responsible
for generating bus transactions to ensure that main memory
locations accessed by DMA operations do not contain stale
data. These transactions, called snoops, come in three dif-
ferent categories, each of which will be discussed below.
Snoops cause the processor and the MPC2605 to check
to see if they have dirty copies of the memory location speci-
fied in the snoop transaction. If either device does have a
dirty copy it will assert ARTRY and make use of the opportu-
nity presented in the BR window to write this data back to
main memory.
Situations can arise where a cache line is dirty in both the
processor’s L1 cache and in the MPC2605. In cases such as
these, snoop transactions should cause the processor to
write its data back to memory since it is by definition more
recent than the data in the MPC2605. Since ARTRY is a
shared signal and it cannot be determined which devices are
driving it, the MPC2605 samples CPU BR in the BR window
to determine if the snoop hit a dirty line in the L1 cache. If
CPU BR is asserted during this window, the MPC2605 will
defer to the processor.
Snoop Reads
A snoop read causes dirty data to be written back to
memory but allows both the L1 and L2 to keep a valid copy.
In cases where the snoop hits a dirty cache line in the pro-
cessor, the MPC2605 will update its contents as the proces-
sor writes the data back to main memory.
Snoop reads can be implemented in two ways. One is that
the DMA bridge can issue a clean transaction (TT[0:4] =
00000). The other is that the DMA bridge can do a read
transaction (TT[0:4] = x1010). If the DMA bridge does a read
transaction, the MPC2605 determines that it is a snoop read
rather than a processor read by the state of CPU BG the
cycle before TS was asserted. If the processor was not
granted the bus then the transaction had to have been is-
sued by the DMA bridge and is therefore a snoop read.
Snoop Writes
Snoop writes also cause dirty data to be written back to
main memory. The difference from a snoop read is that the
cache line must then be invalidated in both the processor’s
cache and in the L2 cache. When the processor writes data
back to memory in response to a snoop write, the MPC2605
will not cache the data as it appears on the bus. If a valid
copy resides in the cache, the MPC2605 will invalidate it.
Again there are multiple transactions that can be used by
the DMA bridge to implement a snoop write. It can issue a
flush transaction (TT[0:4] = 00100), a read with intent to
modify (TT[0:4] = x1110), or a write with flush (TT[0:4]
= 00010). As with snoop reads, the MPC2605 distinguishes
between processor issued data transactions and snoop
transactions by the state of CPU BG in the cycle previous to
the assertion of TS.
Snoop Kills
Kills are snoops that cause cache entries to be immedi-
ately invalidated, regardless of whether they are dirty. This
saves time if the DMA operation is going to modify all the
data in the cache line. To implement a snoop kill the DMA
bridge can issue a kill transaction (TT[0:4] = 01100) or a write
with kill (TT[0:4] = 00110).
Multiple Castouts
Because each MPC2605 has its own castout buffer
(COB), it is possible for situations to arise in which more than
one device needs to do a copyback operation. Under normal
circumstances each device will enter castout conditions at
different times. In these cases, when a device determines
that it needs to do a castout, the L2 BR signal is first
sampled. If L2 BR is already asserted then it is clear that
another device is also in a castout situation. The late device
will wait until L2 BR is negated before continuing in its at-
tempt to perform its castout.
Because of the BR window protocol associated with asser-
tions of ARTRY, it is possible for a situation to arise where
device two is waiting for device one to do its castout before
asserting L2 BR. If there is an assertion of ARTRY by a de-
vice other than device one, device one is required to negate
L2 BR in the BR window. In order to prevent device two from
interpreting device one’s negation of L2 BR as an indication
that device one has completed its castout, a simple arbitra-
tion mechanism is used. All devices have a simple two–bit
counter that is synchronized such that all counters always
have the same value. For the purposes of performing a cast-
out operation, a given pair can only assert L2 BR if the count-
er is equal to its value of CFG[1:2]. This simple mechanism
prevents more than one device from asserting L2 BR in the
same cycle and therefore not being cognizant of the another
device’s need to perform a castout.
Snoop Hit Before Castout
The other situation that can cause problems with a shared
bus request occurs when a snoop hits a dirty line in one of
the MPC2605 devices. If device one has a cache line in its
COB, it will assert L2 BR so that it may perform a castout
operation. If a snoop hits a dirty line in device two, it will as-
sert both ARTRY and L2 BR so that it can write the snoop
data back to main memory. When device one detects that
ARTRY has been asserted, it needs to be made aware that
device two needs to request the bus. Otherwise, at the same
time that device two is asserting L2 BR, device one will at-
tempt to conform to the BR window protocol and negate
L2 BR. This situation is avoided by device one sampling FDN
when it detects that ARTRY has been asserted. If FDN is
asserted at the same time as ARTRY is asserted, device one
will recognize that device two is asserting ARTRY. device
one will then high–Z L2 BR so that there will not be conten-
tion when device two is asserting L2 BR.
The MPC2605 can be used as a common cache for up to
four processors. For each processor there is a bus request,
bus grant, and data bus grant signal pin on the MPC2605.
Each of these pins needs to be connected to the respective
processor’s arbitration signals in the system.