The Power Assembly group provides support for those customers requiring more than the basic semiconductor switch. Using CAD
design tools the group has developed a flexible range of heatsink / clamping systems in line with advances in device types and the
voltage and current capability of Dynex semiconductors.
An extensive range of air and liquid cooled assemblies is available covering the range of circuit designs in general use today.
The Power Assembly group has a proprietary range of extruded aluminium heatsinks. These were designed to optimise the
performance of Dynex semiconductors. Data with respect to air natural, forced air and liquid cooling (with flow rates) is available on
For further information on device clamps, heatsinks and assemblies, please contact your nearest sales representative or customer
service office.
Adequate heatsinking is required to maintain the base
temperature at 75
C if full rated current is to be achieved. Power
dissipation may be calculated by use of V
and r
in accordance with standard formulae. We can provide
assistance with calculations or choice of heatsink if required.
The heatsink surface must be smooth and flat; a surface finish
of N6 (32
in) and a flatness within 0.05mm (0.002") are
Immediately prior to mounting, the heatsink surface should be
lightly scrubbed with fine emery, Scotch Brite or a mild chemical
etchant and then cleaned with a solvent to remove oxide build
up and foreign material. Care should be taken to ensure no
foreign particles remain.
An even coating of thermal compound (eg. Unial) should be
applied to both the heatsink and module mounting surfaces.
This should ideally be 0.05mm (0.002") per surface to ensure
optimum thermal performance.
After application of thermal compound, place the module
squarely over the mounting holes, (or
slots) in the heatsink.
Using a torque wrench, slowly a torque wrench, slowly tighten
the recommended fixing bolts at each end, rotating each in turn
no more than 1/4 of a revolution at a time. Continue until the
required torque of 6Nm (55lb.ins) is reached at both ends.
It is not acceptable to fully tighten one fixing bolt before starting
to tighten the others. Such action may DAMAGE the module.