Digital Potentiometer Design Guide
The following literature is available on the Microchip web
site: www.microchip.com/appnotes. There are additional
application notes that may be useful.
AN219: Comparing Digital Potentiometers to Mechanical
This application note compares two types of potentiometers
– the mechanical potentiometer (also called a trimmer
potentiometer) and the digital potentiometer. Resistor
potentiometers can be found in electronic circuits across a
wide spectrum of applications. Most typically, they function
in a voltage divider conguration in order to execute various
types of tasks, such as offset or gain adjust.
AN691: Optimizing Digital Potentiometer Circuits to
Reduce Absolute Temperature Variations
Circuit ideas are presented that use the necessary design
techniques to mitigate errors, consequently optimizing the
performance of the digital potentiometer.
AN692: Using Digital Potentiometers to Optimize a
Precision Single-Supply Photo Detect Circuit
This application note shows how the adjustability of the
digital potentiometer can be used to an advantage in
photosensing circuits.
AN737: Using Digital Potentiometers to Design
Low-Pass Adjustable Filters
A programmable, second-order, low-pass lter is presented
in four different scenarios. The rst three scenarios will
illustrate how a dual digital potentiometer and a single
amplier can be congured for low-pass second-order
Butterworth, Bessel and Chebyshev responses with a
programmable corner frequency range of 1:100. An example
of the digital potentiometer setting for these designs is
summarized. The fourth scenario will show the same circuit
design, where all three approximation methods (Butterworth,
Bessel and Chebyshev) can coexist with a programmable
corner frequency range of 1:10.
AN746: Interfacing Microchip’s MCP41XXX/MCP4XXX
Digital Potentiometer to a PICMicrocontroller
Communications between the MCP41XXX and MCP42XXX
family of digital potentiometers and a PIC16F876
microcontroller is discussed. These devices communicate
using a standard 3-wire SPI compatible interface. The code
supplied with this application note will include both absolute
and relocatable assembly code, written for both hardware SPI
and rmware SPI implementations.
Digital Potentiometer Solutions
MCP42XX PICtail Plus Daughter Board
This daughter board is used to
demonstrate the operation of Microchip’s
MCP42XX or MCP41XX digital
potentiometers. This board is designed
to be used in conjunction with either the PIC24 Explorer 16
Demo Board or the PICkit Serial Analyzer.
MCP46XX PICtail Plus Daughter Board
This daughter board demonstrates the
features and abilities of Microchip’s
MCP45XX and MCP46XX Digital
Potentiometers. This board is designed to
exclusively use the MCP46X1 devices. The MCP4661 uses
an I2C interface and can be controlled via the PICkit Serial
Analyzer interface or via the PICtail Plus interface.
SOT-23-5/6 Voltage Supervisor Evaluation Board
This blank PCB allows quick evaluation of
voltage supervisors and voltage detectors
in the SOT-23-5 and SOT-23-6 packages.
This PCB supports many Microchip
devices, including the non-volatile Digital
Potentiometer and PIC10F2XX devices.
SOIC 8-lead Evaluation Board (SOIC8EV)
A blank PCB to easily evaluate Microchip’s
8-pin devices (in SOIC, DIP, MSOP and
TSSOP packages). Each device pin is
connected to a pull-up resistor, a pull-down
resistor, an in-line resistor and a loading
capacitor. The PCB pads allow through hole or surface mount
connectors to be installed to ease connection to the board.
Additional passive component footprints are on the board, to
allow simple circuits to be implemented.
14-pin SOIC/TSSOP/DIP Evaluation Board (SOIC14EV)
This 14-lead SOIC/TSSOP/DIP evaluation board
allows system designers to quickly evaluate the
operation of Microchip devices in either SOIC, DIP
or TSSOP packages.
20-pin TSSOP/SSOP Evaluation Board (TSSOP20EV)
This 20-pin TSSOP and SSOP evaluation board
allows system designers to quickly evaluate
the operation of Microchip devices in any of the
following 20-pin packages: TSSOP-20/16/14/8
or SSOP-20. The board has a 6-pin header (PICkit
Serial, ICSP , etc.) that can be easily jumpered
to the device’s desired pins to communicate
with the device (using PICkit Serial) or in the case of PIC
microcontrollers or EEPROM, programmed (using ICSP).