1999 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS21034A-page 11
Analog inputs for channels 0 and 1 respectively. These
channels can programmed to be used as two indepen-
dent channels in single ended-mode or as a single
pseudo-differential input where one channel is IN+ and
one channel is IN-. See Section 5.0 for information on
programming the channel configuration.
CS/SHDN(Chip Select/Shutdown)
The CS/SHDN pin is used to initiate communication
with the device when pulled low and will end a conver-
sion and put the device in low power standby when
pulled high. The CS/SHDN pin must be pulled high
between conversions.
CLK (Serial Clock)
The SPI clock pin is used to initiate a conversion and to
clock out each bit of the conversion as it takes place.
See Section 6.2 for constraints on clock speed.
(Serial Data Input)
The SPI port serial data input pin is used to clock in
input channel configuration data.
(Serial Data output)
The SPI serial data output pin is used to shift out the
results of the A/D conversion. Data will always change
on the falling edge of each clock as the conversion
takes place.
The MCP3202 A/D Converter employs a conventional
SAR architecture. With this architecture, a sample is
acquired on an internal sample/hold capacitor for
1.5 clock cycles starting on the second rising edge of
the serial clock after the start bit has been received.
Following this sample time, the input switch of the con-
verter opens and the device uses the collected charge
on the internal sample and hold capacitor to produce a
serial 12-bit digital output code. Conversion rates of
100ksps are possible on the MCP3202. See
Section 6.2 for information on minimum clock rates.
Communication with the device is done using a 3-wire
SPI-compatible interface.
Analog Inputs
The MCP3202 device offers the choice of using the ana-
log input channels configured as two single-ended
inputs or a single pseudo-differential input. Configura-
tion is done as part of the serial command before each
conversion begins. When used in the psuedo-differen-
tial mode, CH0 and CH1 are programmed as the IN+
and IN- inputs as part of the command string transmit-
ted to the device. The IN+ input can range from IN- to
+ IN-). T
he IN- input is limited to ±100mV
from the V
rail. The IN- input can be used to cancel
small signal common-mode noise which is present on
both the IN+ and IN- inputs.
For the A/D Converter to meet specification, the charge
holding capacitor (C
) must be given enough time
to acquire a 12-bit accurate voltage level during the
1.5 clock cycle sampling period. The analog input
model is shown in Figure 4-1.
In this diagram, it is shown that the source impedance
) adds to the internal sampling switch (R
) imped-
ance, directly affecting the time that is required to
charge the capacitor, C
. Consequently, larger
source impedances increase the offset, gain, and inte-
gral linearity errors of the conversion.
Ideally, the impedance of the signal source should be
near zero. This is achievable with an operational ampli-
fier such as the MCP601 which has a closed loop out-
put impedance of tens of ohms. The adverse affects of
higher source impedances are shown in Figure 4-2.
When operating in the pseudo-differential mode, if the
voltage level of IN+ is equal to or less than IN-, the
resultant code will be 000h. If the voltage at IN+ is equal
to or greater than {[V
+ (IN-)] - 1 LSB}, then the out-
put code will be FFFh. If the voltage level at IN- is more
than 1 LSB below V
, then the voltage level at the IN+
input will have to go below V
to see the 000h output
code. Conversely, if IN- is more than 1 LSB above V
then the FFFh code will not be seen unless the IN+
input level goes above V
Digital Output Code
The digital output code produced by an A/D Converter
is a function of the input signal and the reference volt-
age. For the MCP3202, V
is used as the reference
voltage. As the V
level is reduced, the LSB size is
reduced accordingly. The theoretical digital output code
produced by the A/D Converter is shown below.
= analog input voltage
= supply voltage
Digital Output Code = 4096 * V