Chapter 11 S12XE Clocks and Reset Generator (S12XECRGV1) Block Description
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.07
Freescale Semiconductor
Table 11-3. CRGFLG Field Descriptions
Real Time Interrupt Flag
— RTIF is set to 1 at the end of the RTI period. This flag can only be cleared by writing
a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect. If enabled (RTIE=1), RTIF causes an interrupt request.
0 RTI time-out has not yet occurred.
1 RTI time-out has occurred.
Power on Reset Flag
PORF is set to 1 when a power on reset occurs. This flag can only be cleared by writing
a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
0 Power on reset has not occurred.
1 Power on reset has occurred.
Low Voltage Reset Flag
LVRF is set to 1 when a low voltage reset occurs. This flag can only be cleared by
writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
0 Low voltage reset has not occurred.
1 Low voltage reset has occurred.
Lock Interrupt Flag
LOCKIF is set to 1 when LOCK status bit changes. This flag can only be cleared
by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.If enabled (LOCKIE=1), LOCKIF causes an interrupt request.
0 No change in LOCK bit.
1 LOCK bit has changed.
Lock Status Bit
LOCK reflects the current state of IPLL lock condition. This bit is cleared in Self Clock Mode.
Writes have no effect.
0 VCOCLK is not within the desired tolerance of the target frequency.
1 VCOCLK is within the desired tolerance of the target frequency.
Illegal Address Reset Flag
ILAF is set to 1 when an illegal address reset occurs. Refer to S12XMMC Block
Guide for details. This flag can only be cleared by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect.
0 Illegal address reset has not occurred.
1 Illegal address reset has occurred.
Self Clock Mode Interrupt Flag
— SCMIF is set to 1 when SCM status bit changes. This flag can only be
cleared by writing a 1. Writing a 0 has no effect. If enabled (SCMIE=1), SCMIF causes an interrupt request.
0 No change in SCM bit.
1 SCM bit has changed.
Self Clock Mode Status Bit
— SCM reflects the current clocking mode. Writes have no effect.
0 MCU is operating normally with OSCCLK available.
1 MCU is operating in Self Clock Mode with OSCCLK in an unknown state. All clocks are derived from PLLCLK
running at its minimum frequency f