Chapter 19 Debug Module (DBGV1)
MC9S12HZ256 Data Sheet, Rev. 2.04
Freescale Semiconductor
Detail Mode
In the detail mode, address and data for all cycles except program fetch (P) and free (f) cycles are stored
in trace buffer. This mode is intended to supply additional information on indexed, indirect addressing
modes where storing only the destination address would not provide all information required for a user to
determine where his code was in error.
Profile Mode
DBGCNT register is not incremented and the trace buffer does not get filled. The ARM bit is not used and
all breakpoints and all other debug functions will be disabled.
Storage Memory
array through a single memory location window (DBGTBH:DBGTBL). The DBG module stores trace
information in the RAM array in a circular buffer format. As data is read via the CPU, a pointer into the
RAM will increment so that the next CPU read will receive fresh information. In all trigger modes except
change-of-flow addresses are defined as follows:
Source address of conditional branches (long, short, BRSET, and loop constructs) taken
Destination address of indexed JMP, JSR, and CALL instruction
Destination address of RTI, RTS, and RTC instructions
Vector address of interrupts except for SWI and BDM vectors
In the event-only trigger modes only the 16-bit data bus value corresponding to the event is stored. In the
detail capture mode, address and then data are stored for all cycles except program fetch (P) and free (f)
Storing Data in Memory Storage Buffer
Storing with Begin-Trigger
Storing with begin-trigger can be used in all trigger modes. When DBG mode is enabled and armed in the
begin-trigger mode, data is not stored in the trace buffer until the trigger condition is met. As soon as the
trigger condition is met, the DBG module will remain armed until 64 words are stored in the trace buffer.
If the trigger is at the address of the change-of-flow instruction the change-of-flow associated with the
trigger event will be stored in the trace buffer.
Storing with End-Trigger
Storing with end-trigger cannot be used in event-only trigger modes. When DBG mode is enabled and
armed in the end-trigger mode, data is stored in the trace buffer until the trigger condition is met. When
the trigger condition is met, the DBG module will become de-armed and no more data will be stored. If