Modes of Operation
MC9S08RC/RD/RE/RG Data Sheet, Rev. 1.11
Freescale Semiconductor
I/O Pins
All I/O pin states remain unchanged when the MCU enters stop3 mode.
If the MCU is congured to go into stop2 mode, all I/O pin states are latched before entering stop.
Pin states remain latched until the PPDACK bit is written.
If the MCU is congured to go into stop1 mode, all I/O pins are forced to their default reset state
upon entry into stop.
All RAM and register contents are preserved while the MCU is in stop3 mode.
All registers will be reset upon wakeup from stop2, but the contents of RAM are preserved. The
user may save any memory-mapped register data into RAM before entering stop2 and restore the
data upon exit from stop2.
All registers will be reset upon wakeup from stop1 and the contents of RAM are not preserved. The
MCU must be initialized as upon reset. The contents of the FLASH memory are non-volatile and
are preserved in any of the stop modes.
OSC — In any of the stop modes, the OSC stops running.
TPM — When the MCU enters stop mode, the clock to the TPM module stops. The modules halt
operation. If the MCU is congured to go into stop2 or stop1 mode, the TPM module will be reset upon
wakeup from stop and must be reinitialized.
ACMP — When the MCU enters any stop mode, the ACMP will enter a low-power standby state
. No
compare operation will occur while in stop. If the MCU is congured to go into stop2 or stop1 mode, the
ACMP will be reset upon wakeup from stop and must be reinitialized.
KBI — During stop3, the KBI pins that are enabled continue to function as interrupt sources. During stop1
or stop2, enabled KBI1 pins function as wakeup inputs. When functioning as a wakeup, a KBI pin is
always active low regardless of how it was congured before entering stop1 or stop2.
SCI — When the MCU enters stop mode, the clock to the SCI module stops. The module halts operation.
If the MCU is congured to go into stop2 or stop1 mode, the SCI module will be reset upon wakeup from
stop and must be reinitialized.
SPI — When the MCU enters stop mode, the clock to the SPI module stops. The module halts operation.
If the MCU is congured to go into stop2 or stop1 mode, the SPI module will be reset upon wakeup from
stop and must be reinitialized.
CMT — When the MCU enters stop mode, the clock to the CMT module stops. The module halts
operation. If the MCU is congured to go into stop2 or stop1 mode, the CMT module will be reset upon
wakeup from stop and must be reinitialized.
Voltage Regulator — The voltage regulator enters a low-power standby state when the MCU enters any
of the stop modes unless the LVD reset function is enabled or BDM is enabled.