MPC7457 RISC Microprocessor Hardware Specifications, Rev. 8
System Design Information
Freescale Semiconductor
example, assuming a Ta of 30°C, a Tr of 5°C, a CBGA package RθJC = 0.1, and a typical power
consumption (Pd) of 18.7 W, the following expression for Tj is obtained:
Die-junction temperature: Tj = 30°C + 5°C + (0.1°C/W + 1.5°C/W + θsa) × 18.7 W
For this example, a Rθsavalue of 2.1°C/W or less is required to maintain the die junction temperature below
Though the die junction-to-ambient and the heat sink-to-ambient thermal resistances are a common
figure-of-merit used for comparing the thermal performance of various microelectronic packaging
technologies, one should exercise caution when only using this metric in determining thermal management
because no single parameter can adequately describe three-dimensional heat flow. The final die-junction
operating temperature is not only a function of the component-level thermal resistance, but the
system-level design and its operating conditions. In addition to the component's power consumption, a
number of factors affect the final operating die-junction temperature—airflow, board population (local
heat flux of adjacent components), heat sink efficiency, heat sink attach, heat sink placement, next-level
interconnect technology, system air temperature rise, altitude, etc.
Due to the complexity and the many variations of system-level boundary conditions for today's
microelectronic equipment, the combined effects of the heat transfer mechanisms (radiation, convection,
and conduction) may vary widely. For these reasons, we recommend using conjugate heat transfer models
for the board, as well as system-level designs.
For system thermal modeling, the MPC7447 and MPC7457 thermal model is shown in
Figure 30. Four
volumes will be used to represent this device. Two of the volumes, solder ball, and air and substrate, are
modeled using the package outline size of the package. The other two, die, and bump and underfill, have
the same size as the die. The silicon die should be modeled 9.64 × 11.0 × 0.74 mm with the heat source
applied as a uniform source at the bottom of the volume. The bump and underfill layer is modeled as 9.64 ×
11.0 × 0.069 mm (or as a collapsed volume) with orthotropic material properties: 0.6 W/(m K) in the
xy-plane and 2 W/(m K) in the direction of the z-axis. The substrate volume is 25 × 25 × 1.2 mm
(MPC7447) or 29 × 29 × 1.2 mm (MPC7457), and this volume has 18 W/(m K) isotropic conductivity.
The solder ball and air layer is modeled with the same horizontal dimensions as the substrate and is 0.9 mm
thick. It can also be modeled as a collapsed volume using orthotropic material properties: 0.034 W/(m
K) in the xy-plane direction and 3.8 W/(m K) in the direction of the z-axis.