Application Note
AN1060 — Rev. 1.0
Listing 1. MCU-to-MCU Duplicator Program
1 **************************************************
2 * 68HC711E9 Duplicator Program for AN1060
3 **************************************************
5 *****
6 * Equates - All reg addrs except INIT are 2-digit
7 * for direct addressing
8 *****
9 103D INIT EQU $103D RAM, Reg mapping
10 0028 SPCR EQU $28 DWOM in bit-5
11 0004 PORTB EQU $04 Red LED = bit-1, Grn = bit-0
12 * Reset of prog socket = bit-7
13 0080 RESET EQU %10000000
14 0002 RED EQU %00000010
15 0001 GREEN EQU %00000001
16 000A PORTE EQU $0A Vpp Sense in bit-7, 1=ON
17 002E SCSR EQU $2E SCI status register
18 * TDRE, TC, RDRF, IDLE; OR, NF, FE, -
19 0080 TDRE EQU %10000000
20 0020 RDRF EQU %00100000
21 002F SCDR EQU $2F SCI data register
22 BF00 PROGRAM EQU $BF00 EPROM prog utility in boot ROM
23 D000 EPSTRT EQU $D000 Starting address of EPROM
25 B600 ORG $B600 Start of EEPROM
27 **************************************************
28 *
29 B600 7F103D BEGIN CLR INIT Moves Registers to $0000-3F
30 B603 8604 LDAA #$04 Pattern for DWOM off, no SPI
31 B605 9728 STAA SPCR Turns off DWOM in EVBU MCU
32 B607 8680 LDAA #RESET
33 B609 9704 STAA PORTB Release reset to target MCU
34 B60B 132E20FC WT4BRK BRCLR SCSR RDRF WT4BRK Loop till char received
35 B60F 86FF LDAA #$FF Leading char for bootload ...
36 B611 972F STAA SCDR to target MCU
37 B613 CEB675 LDX #BLPROG Point at program for target
38 B616 8D53 BLLOOP BSR SEND1 Bootload to target
39 B618 8CB67D CPX #ENDBPR Past end
40 B61B 26F9 BNE BLLOOP Continue till all sent
41 *****
42 * Delay for about 4 char times to allow boot related
43 * SCI communications to finish before clearing
44 * Rx related flags
45 B61D CE06A7 LDX #1703 # of 6 cyc loops
46 B620 09 DLYLP DEX [3]
47 B621 26FD BNE DLYLP [3] Total loop time = 6 cyc
48 B623 962E LDAA SCSR Read status (RDRF will be set)
49 B625 962F LDAA SCDR Read SCI data reg to clear RDRF
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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