VDD (Pin 1)
This is the +5V power pin of the chip.
OSC1 (Pin 2), OSC2 (Pin 3)
The OSC1 and OSC2 pins are the connections for the on-
chip oscillator. The crystal frequency is 24MHz . OSC1 may
be driven by an external oscillator if an external crystal circuit
is not used.
VSS (Pin 4)
This is the ground pin of the chip.
PL (Pin 5)
This pin requires to be pulled low to GND.
DP0 (Pin 6)
This is the upstream differential data plus I/O pin of the
DM0 (Pin 7)
This is the upstream differential data minus I/O pin of the
VDD3CAP (Pin 8)
This pin must connect an external capacitor for the inter-
nal 3.3V regulator which supply transceivers of all USB
OVR1 (Pin 9)
This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream
port 1. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs.
In GANG mode, OVR1 is the common detection pin for all
the four downstream ports.
PWRSW1 (Pin 10)
This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off
the external power regulator for the downstream port 1.
Active high is to switch on the power. In GANG mode,
PWRSW1 is the common output pin for all the four down-
stream ports.
DP1 (Pin 11)
This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream
port 1.
DM1 (Pin 12)
This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the down-
stream port 1.
OVR2 (Pin 13)
This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream
port 2. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs.
PWRSW2 (Pin 14)
This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off
the external power regulator for the downstream port 2.
Active high is to switch on the power.
DP2 (Pin 15)
This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream
port 2.
DM2 (Pin 16)
This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the down-
stream port 2.
OVR3 (Pin 17)
This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream
port 3. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs.
PWRSW3 (Pin 18)
This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off
the external power regulator for the downstream port 3.
Active high is to switch on the power.
DP3 (Pin 19)
This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the down-
stream port 3.
DM3 (Pin 20)
This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the down-
stream port 3.
OVR4 (Pin 21)
This is the over-current detection pin of the down-
stream port 4. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condi-
tion occurs.
PWRSW4 (Pin 22)
This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off
the external power regulator for the downstream port 4.
Active high is to switch on the power.
DP4 (Pin 23)
This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream
port 4.
DM4 (Pin 24)
This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the down-
stream port 4.
OVR5/GANG (Pin 25)
In self-powered mode, this input pin acts as OVR5, which
is overcurrent detection of downstream port 5; active low is
to indicate overcurrent occurs.
In bus-powered mode, this input pin acts as GANG to
determine Power Control Mode; pulling this pin low config-
ures the Hub as Ganged control, and pulling it high as Indi-
vidual control.
PWRSW5 (Pin 26)
In self-powered mode, this output pin is to switch on/off
the external power regulator for downstream port 5; active
high is to switch on the power.
DP5/SEL1 (Pin 27)
In initialization, this pin, along with SEL0 and OVR5,
determines Power Mode and Power Control Mode. (refer
to Table1 for detail) After initialization, if self-powered, this
pin is differential data plus I/O pin of downstream port 5.
DM5/SEL0 (Pin 28)
In initialization, this pin, along with SEL1 and OVR5,
determines Power Mode and Power Control Mode. (refer
to Table1 for detail) After initialization, if self-powered, this
pin is differential data minus I/O pin of downstream port 5;
if bus-powered, pull this pin high.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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Go to: www.freescale.com