MAX 2102 Evaluation K it
__________Test Equipment Required
RF-signal generator to generate the RF-carrier sig-
nals, with 950MHz to 2150MHz frequency range and
-69dBm to -19dBm power range.
RF-signal generator to generate the LO signal, with
950MHz to 2150MHz frequency range at -10dBm.
(Optional) RF balun, such as Anzac H-9, if testing
the MAX2102 with a differential LO drive.
Dual-channel digitizing oscilloscope with 50
nated inputs and 100MHz minimum bandwidth for
time-domain baseband measurements. In addition,
a high-frequency, high-impedance probe is required
if monitoring the prescaler.
Network/spectrum analyzer capable of measuring
30kHz to 100MHz signals for frequency-domain
baseband measurements.
+5V power supply that can deliver a minimum of
Adjustable voltage source that can supply a 1V to
4V range and source and sink 500μA for automatic
gain control (AGC).
Connec tions and S etup
Ensure that the RF signal generators are disabled, and
that the power supplies are off until all connections are
Connect the +5V power supply to J 7 (“VCC”).
Connect ground to J 8 (“GND”).
Ensure that there are no shunts installed at J U2 or
J U3.
Connect the variable voltage source to the pad
labeled “AGC.” Ensure that the voltage source’s
ground is connected to J 8.
C onnect an SMA cable from the LO signal-
generator source to SMA connector J 4 (LO) on the
board. A 6dB attenuator connected in-line between
J 4 and the cable is recommended to minimize
reflections that could affect power-level control on
some signal generators. See the section Using a
Differential Oscillator Source for information on driv-
ing the LO port differentially.
Connect an SMA cable from the RF-carrier signal-
generator source to SMA connector J 2 (RFIN).
A 6dB pad between J 2 and the cable is recom-
Connect two cables of equal length from the dual-
channel oscilloscope inputs to BNC connectors J 1
and J 3 (“IOUT,” “QOUT”). Ensure that the oscillo-
scope inputs are 50
Set up the instruments:
—Set the RF-carrier signal source to deliver
950MHz at -30dBm at RFIN. Be sure to account
for attenuator and cable losses.
—Set the LO signal source to deliver 950.125MHz
at -10dBm at LO. Be sure to account for attenua-
tor and cable losses.
—Set up the oscilloscope to view a 125kHz sine
wave at 0.5Vp-p full scale, triggered from either
the “IOUT” or “QOUT” signal.
Turn on the power supplies and enable the signal
Adjust the AGC control voltage until the IOUT and
QOUT signals are approximately 0.25Vp-p.
Vary the RF-carrier signal-generator power over the
-19dBm to -69dBm range. Use the AGC voltage control
(in a 1V to 4V range) to keep the IOUT and QOUT sig-
nals in the 0.25Vp-p range.
Note (from the EV kit schematic) that the board in-
cludes 47
resistors (R1, R7) in series with the base-
band IOUT and QOUT outputs, which results in a 6dB
attenuation with the cable terminated to 50
at the
oscilloscope. The actual voltage swing per carrier is
0.5Vp-p at the MAX2102’s IOUT and QOUT pins.
Vary the LO and RFIN frequency over the 950MHz to
2150MHz range, maintaining 125kHz between RFIN
and LO. Observe that over 50dB, AGC range is main-
tained across the frequency band.
Quadrature Ac c urac y
The difference in phase between the IOUT and QOUT
baseband signals should be 90°, with Q lagging I if the
LO frequency is greater than the RFIN frequency.
Using both the oscilloscope’s DELAY measurement
function and averaging, determine the quadrature
phase mismatch (deviation from 90°).
The baseband frequency is 125kHz. At higher base-
band frequencies, the delay between IOUT and QOUT
becomes more difficult to measure accurately.
Additionally, phase error due to small differences in
group delay in IOUT and QOUT measurement channels
becomes more pronounced. Therefore, low baseband
frequencies are suggested when making this measure-