±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V RS-232 Transceivers
__________Applications Information
Capacitor Selection
The capacitor type used for C1–C4 is not critical for
proper operation. The MAX202E, MAX206–MAX208E,
MAX211E, and MAX213E require 0.1F capacitors,
and the MAX232E and MAX241E require 1F
capacitors, although in all cases capacitors up to 10F
can be used without harm. Ceramic, aluminum-
electrolytic, or tantalum capacitors are suggested for
the 1F capacitors, and ceramic dielectrics are
suggested for the 0.1F capacitors. When using the
minimum recommended capacitor values, make sure
the capacitance value does not degrade excessively
as the operating temperature varies. If in doubt, use
capacitors with a larger (e.g., 2x) nominal value. The
capacitors’ effective series resistance (ESR), which
usually rises at low temperatures, influences the
amount of ripple on V+ and V-.
Use larger capacitors (up to 10F) to reduce the output
impedance at V+ and V-. This can be useful when
“stealing” power from V+ or from V-. The MAX203E and
MAX205E have internal charge-pump capacitors.
Bypass VCC to ground with at least 0.1F. In
applications sensitive to power-supply noise generated
by the charge pumps, decouple VCC to ground with a
capacitor the same size as (or larger than) the charge-
pump capacitors (C1–C4).
V+ and V- as Power Supplies
A small amount of power can be drawn from V+ and V-,
although this will reduce both driver output swing and
noise margins. Increasing the value of the charge-pump
capacitors (up to 10F) helps maintain performance
when power is drawn from V+ or V-.
Driving Multiple Receivers
Each transmitter is designed to drive a single receiver.
Transmitters can be paralleled to drive multiple
Driver Outputs when Exiting Shutdown
The driver outputs display no ringing or undesirable
transients as they come out of shutdown.
High Data Rates
These transceivers maintain the RS-232 ±5.0V
minimum driver output voltages at data rates of over
120kbps. For data rates above 120kbps, refer to the
Transmitter Output Voltage vs. Load Capacitance
graphs in the
Typical Operating Characteristics.
Communication at these high rates is easier if the
capacitive loads on the transmitters are small; i.e.,
short cables are best.
Table 2. Summary of EIA/TIA-232E, V.28 Specifications
EIA/TIA-232E, V.28
0 Level
Ω to 7kΩ load
+5V to +15V
Data Rate
Ω≤ RL ≤ 7kΩ, CL ≤ 2500pF
Up to 20kbps
+3V to +15V
Instantaneous Slew Rate, Max
Ω≤ RL ≤ 7kΩ, CL ≤ 2500pF
Driver Output Short-Circuit Current, Max
Transition Rate on Driver Output
1ms or 3% of the period
Driver Output Resistance
-2V < VOUT < +2V
4% of the period
Driver Output Level, Max
No load
Driver Output Voltage
Ω to 7kΩ load
-5V to -15V
0 Level
1 Level
Receiver Input Level
Receiver Input Voltage
-3V to -15V
Maxim Integrated
MAX202E–MAX213E, MAX232E/MAX241E