Quick Start
The MAX2056 EV kit is fully assembled and factory tested.
Follow the instructions in the
Connections and Setup
section for proper device evaluation.
Test Equipment
One DC power supply capable of supplying 5V
and 0.3A
One DC power supply that can be adjusted from 1V
to 4.5V for gain control
Two digital multimeters (DMM) to monitor V
, if desired
HP 8648 (or equivalent) signal source
HP 8561E (or equivalent) spectrum analyzer
HP 8753D (or equivalent) network analyzer to mea-
sure return loss and gain over frequency (optional)
Connections and Setup
This section provides a step-by-step guide to testing
the basic functionality of the EV kit. To prevent damag-
ing the device,
do not turn on DC power or RF signal
generators until all connections are made. Do not
apply VCNTL without V
present (see the
Testing the Supply Current
1) Connect 50
terminations to J1 and J2.
2) With its output disabled, set the voltage on one of
the DC supplies to +5.0V (through a low internal
resistance ammeter, if desired) and connect to the
+5.0V (TP1) and GND (TP2) terminals on the EV kit.
If the power supply has a current-limiting feature,
set the current limit to 200mA.
3) With its output disabled, set the voltage on the sec-
ond DC supply to 1V and connect to the gain-control
connector VCNTL (J3) on the EV kit. This configures
the device for its maximum gain setting. If the power
supply has a current-limiting feature, set the current
limit to 1mA.
4) Enable the V
supply, then enable the gain-control
supply; the V
supply current should read approxi-
mately 136mA.
Testing the Power Gain
1) With its supply output disabled, set the voltage on one
of the DC supplies to +5.0V (through a low internal
resistance ammeter, if desired) and connect to the
+5.0V (TP1) and GND (TP2) terminals on the EV kit. If
available, set the current limit to 200mA.
2) With its supply output disabled, set the voltage on the
other DC supply to 1V and connect to the gain-control
connector VCNTL (J3) on the EV kit. If available, set
the current limit to 1mA.
3) With the generator output disabled, connect the RF
signal generator to J1. Set the generator to a
900MHz output frequency, and set the power level
to -13dBm.
4) Connect the spectrum analyzer to J2. Set the spec-
trum analyzer to a center frequency of 900MHz and
a total span of 1MHz. Set the reference level on the
spectrum analyzer to +10dBm.
5) Enable the V
supply. Next, enable the gain-control
supply. Finally, enable the RF generator’s output. A
900MHz signal with a magnitude of approximately
3dBm should be displayed on the spectrum analyzer.
Be sure to account for external cable losses.
6) Vary the gain-control supply voltage between +1.0V
and +4.5V. The output power should vary by
approximately 22dB.
7) Gain can also be determined with a network analyzer.
This has the advantage of displaying gain over a
swept frequency band, in addition to displaying
input and output return loss. Refer to the network
analyzer manufacturer’s user manual for setup
details (optional).
Detailed Description
Figure 1 shows the schematic for the MAX2056 EV kit.
C1, C3, C5, and C7 are DC-blocking capacitors for the
IN_A, IN, AMP_IN, and OUT pins. To reduce the possi-
bility of noise pickup from the power supply, capacitors
C2, C4, C6, C8, C9, C10, C13, C14, and C15 are used
to decouple V
. Resistors R1 and R2 are used to bias
the amplifier’s first and second stages, respectively.
Current-Setting Resistors
The MAX2056 amplifier section is a two-stage design
whose input stage current is set by the external resistor
R1, while the output stage current is set by resistor R2.
These resistors were optimized at the factory to pro-
duce the highest OIP3 for a given current. The current
of the device can be reduced by increasing these
resistor values (see the
Modifying the EV Kit
but linearity performance degrades.
MAX2056 Evaluation Kit