10-Bit, 7.5Msps, Ultra-Low-Power
Analog Front-End
12-Bit, Auxiliary Control DACs
The MAX19705 includes three 12-bit aux-DACs (DAC1,
DAC2, DAC3) with 1s settling time for controlling vari-
able-gain amplifier (VGA), automatic gain-control
(AGC), and automatic frequency-control (AFC) func-
tions. The aux-DAC output range is 0.1V to 2.56V.
During power-up, the VGA and AGC outputs (DAC2
and DAC3) are at zero. The AFC DAC (DAC1) is at 1.1V
during power-up. The aux-DACs can be independently
controlled through the SPI bus, except during SHDN
mode where the aux-DACs are turned off completely
and the output voltage is set to zero. In STBY and IDLE
modes the aux-DACs maintain the last value. On wakeup
from SHDN, the aux-DACs resume the last values.
Loading on the aux-DAC outputs should be carefully
observed to achieve specified settling time and stabili-
ty. The capacitive load must be kept to a maximum of
5pF including package and trace capacitance. The
resistive load must be greater than 200k
. If capacitive
loading exceeds 5pF, then add a 10k
resistor in
series with the output. Adding the series resistor helps
drive larger load capacitance (< 15pF) at the expense
of slower settling time.
10-Bit, 333ksps Auxiliary ADC
The MAX19705 integrates a 333ksps, 10-bit aux-ADC
with an input 4:1 multiplexer. In the aux-ADC mode reg-
ister, setting bit AD0 begins a conversion with the auxil-
iary ADC. Bit AD0 automatically clears when the
conversion is complete. Setting or clearing AD0 during
a conversion has no effect (see Table 11). Bit AD1
determines the internal reference of the auxiliary ADC
(see Table 12). Bits AD2 and AD3 determine the auxil-
iary ADC input source (see Table 13). Bits AD4, AD5,
and AD6 select the number of averages taken when a
single start-convert command is given. The conversion
time increases as the number of averages increases
(see Table 14). The conversion clock can be divided
down from the system clock by properly setting bits
AD7, AD8, and AD9 (see Table 15). The aux-ADC out-
put data can be written out of DOUT by setting bit
AD10 high (see Table 16).
The aux-ADC features a 4:1 input multiplexer to allow
measurements on four input sources. The input sources
are selected by AD3 and AD2 (see Table 13). Two of
the multiplexer inputs (ADC1 and ADC2) can be con-
nected to external sources such as an RF power detec-
tor like the MAX2208 or temperature sensor like the
MAX6613. The other two multiplexer inputs are internal
connections to VDD and OVDD that monitor the power-
supply voltages. The internal VDD and OVDD connec-
tions are made through integrated resistor-dividers that
yield VDD / 2 and OVDD / 2 measurement results. The
aux-ADC voltage reference can be selected between
an internal 2.048V bandgap reference or VDD (see
Table 12). The VDD reference selection is provided to
allow measurement of an external voltage source with a
full-scale range extending beyond the 2.048V level. The
input source voltage range cannot extend above VDD.
Table 11. Auxiliary ADC Convert
Table 12. Auxiliary ADC Reference
Table 13. Auxiliary ADC Input Source
Aux-ADC Idle (Default)
Aux-ADC Start-Convert
0Internal 2.048V Reference (Default)
Internal VDD Reference
ADC1 (Default)
VDD / 2
OVDD / 2