Low-Power, 16-Bit Multichannel DAS with
Internal Reference,10-Bit DACs, and RTC
Unbuffered Mode
When used in unbuffered mode, the switched capacitor
sampling front end of the modulator presents a dynam-
ic load to the driving circuitry. The size of the internal
sampling capacitor and the input sampling frequency
(Figure 6) determines the dynamic load (see Dynamic
Input Impedance section). As the gain increases, the
input sampling capacitance also increases. Since the
MAX1407/MAX1408/MAX1409/MAX1414 sample at a
constant rate for all gain settings, the dynamic load pre-
sented by the inputs varies with the gain setting.
PGA Gain
An integrated programmable-gain amplifier (PGA) pro-
vides three user-selectable gains: +1/3V/V, +1V/V, and
+2V/V to maximize the dynamic range of the ADC. Bits
GAIN1 and GAIN0 set the desired gain (see ADC
Register). The gain of +1/3V/V allows the direct mea-
surement of the supply voltage through an internal mul-
tiplexer input or through an auxillary input.
ADC Modulator
The MAX1407/MAX1408/MAX1409/MAX1414 perform
analog-to-digital conversions using a single-bit, sec-
ond-order, switched-capacitor delta-sigma modulator.
The delta-sigma modulation converts the input signal
into a digital pulse train whose average duty cycle rep-
resents the digitized signal information. The pulse train
is then processed by a digital decimation filter.
The modulator provides 2nd-order frequency shaping
of the quantization noise resulting from the single bit
quantizer. The modulator is fully differential for maxi-
mum signal-to-noise ratio and minimum susceptibility to
power-supply noise. The modulator operates at one of
two different sampling rates resulting in an output data
rate of either 30Hz or 60Hz (see ADC Register).
ADC Offset Calibration
The MAX1407/MAX1408/MAX1409/MAX1414 are capa-
ble of performing digital offset correction to eliminate
changes due to power-supply voltage or system tem-
perature. At the end of a calibration cycle, a 16-bit cali-
bration value is stored in the Offset register in two’s
compliment format. After completing a conversion, the
MAX1407/MAX1408/MAX1409/MAX1414 subtract the
calibration value from the ADC conversion result and
write the offset compensated data to the Data register
(see Offset Register section). Either a positive or nega-
tive offset can be calibrated. During offset calibration,
DRDY will go high. DRDY goes low after calibration is
complete. The offset register can be programmed to
skew the ADC offset with a maximum range from -215 to
(+215 - 1)LSBs, e.g., if the programmed 2’s complement
value is +2LSB (-2LSB), this translates to a -2LSB
(+2LSB) shift in bipolar mode or a -4LSB (+4LSB) shift in
unipolar mode.To maintain optimum performance, recal-
ibrate the ADC if the temperature changes by more than
20°C. Offset calibration should also be performed after
any changes in PGA gain, bipolar/unipolar input range,
buffered/unbuffered mode, or conversion speed. During
calibration, the two mulitplexers will be disabled and the
inputs to the ADC will internally be shorted to a com-
mon-mode voltage.
ADC Digital Filter
The on-chip digital filter processes the 1-bit data
stream from the modulator using a SINC
3 filter function.
3 filters settle in three data word periods. The
settling time is 3/60Hz or 50ms (for RATE bit in ADC
register set to 1) and 3/30Hz or 100ms (for RATE bit set
to “0”).
ADC Digital Filter Characteristics
The transfer function for a SINC
3 filter function is that of
three cascaded SINC
1 filters. This can be described in
the Z-domain by:
and in the frequency domain by:
where N, the decimation factor, is the ratio of the modu-
lator frequency fM to the output frequency fN.
() =
() =
Figure 6. Analog Input—Unbuffered Mode