8-Bit, 300Msps Flash ADC
op amps (Figure 2). These voltage level inputs can be by-
passed to AGND for further noise suppression, if so de-
sired. VRB and VRT have force and sense pins for
monitoring the top and bottom voltage references.
Not Connec ted (N.C.)
All N.C. pins should be tied to DGND on the left side of
the package and to AGND on the right side of the
Data Ready and Data Ready Inverse
DREADY , DRINV (CERQUAD pac kage only)
The data-ready pin is a flag that goes high or low at the
output when data is valid or ready to be received. It is
essentially a delay line that accounts for the time nec-
essary for information to be clocked through the
MAX1125's decoders and latches. This function is use-
ful for interfacing with high-speed memory. Using the
data-ready output to latch the output data ensures mini-
mum setup and hold times. DRINV is a data-ready
inverse control pin (Figure 3).
Overrange Input D8
(CERQUAD pac kage only)
When the MAX1125 is in an overrange state, D8 goes
high, and all data outputs go high as well. This makes it
possible to include the MAX1125 in higher resolution
The MAX1125 has 256 preamp/comparator pairs that
are each supplied with the voltage from VRTF to VRBF
divided equally by the resistive ladder as shown in the
Functional Diagram This voltage is applied to the posi-
tive input of each preamplifier/comparator pair. An ana-
log input voltage applied at VIN is connected to the
negative inputs of each preamplifier/comparator pair.
The comparator states are then clocked through each
comparator's individual clock buffer. When CLK is low,
the comparators' master, or input stage, compares the
analog input voltage to the respective reference volt-
age. When CLK changes from low to high, the com-
parators are latched to the state prior to the clock
transition and output logic codes in sequence from the
top comparators, closest to VRTF (0V), down to the
point where the magnitude of the input signal changes
sign (thermometer code). The output of each compara-
tor is then registered into four 64-to-6 bit decoders
when CLK changes from high to low. At the output of
the decoders is a set of four 7-bit latches that are
enabled (track) when CLK changes from high to low.
From here, the outputs of the latches are coded into 6
LSBs from 4 columns and 4 columns are coded into 2
MSBs. Next are the MINV and LINV controls for output
inversions that consist of a set of eight XOR gates.
Finally, 8 ECL output latches and buffers are used to
drive the external loads. The conversion takes one
clock cycle from the input to the data outputs.
_________________Evaluation Boards
The MAX1114/MAX1125 evaluation kit (EV kit) demon-
strates the full performance of the MAX1125. This
board includes a voltage reference circuit, clock driver
circuit, output data latches and an on-board recon-
struction of the digital data. A separate data sheet
describing the operation of this board is also available.
Contact the factory for price and delivery.