See Figure 2, Logic Diagram and Table 1, Signal
Names, for a brief overview of the signals connect-
ed to this device.
Address Input (A0).
The A0 address input is
used to select the higher or lower Byte in X8 mode.
It is not used in X16 mode (where A1 is the Lowest
Significant bit).
Address Inputs (A1-A22).
The A1-A22 Address
Inputs are used to select the cells to access in the
memory array during Bus Read operations either
to read or to program data. During Bus Write oper-
ations they control the commands sent to the
Command Interface of the internal state machine.
The device must be enabled (refer to Table 2, De-
vice Enable) when selecting the addresses. The
address inputs are latched on the rising edge of
Write Enable or on the first edge of Chip Enables
E0, E1 or E2 that disable the device, whichever
occurs first.
Data Inputs/Outputs (DQ0-DQ15).
The Data In-
puts/Outputs output the data stored at the selected
address during a Bus Read operation, or are used
to input the data during a program operation. Dur-
ing Bus Write operations they represent the com-
mands sent to the Command Interface of the
internal state machine. When used to input data or
Write commands they are latched on the rising
edge of Write Enable or the first edge of Chip En-
ables E0, E1 or E2 that disable the device, which-
ever occurs first.
When the device is enabled and Output Enable is
low, V
(refer to Table 2, Device Enable), the data
bus outputs data from the memory array, the Elec-
tronic Signature, the Block Protection status, the
CFI Information or the contents of the Status Reg-
ister. The data bus is high impedance when the
device is deselected, Output Enable is high, V
the Reset/Power-Down signal is low, V
. When
the Program/Erase Controller is active the Ready/
Busy status is given on DQ7.
Chip Enables (E0, E1, E2).
The Chip Enable in-
puts E0, E1 and E2 activate the memory control
logic, input buffers, decoders and sense amplifi-
ers. The device is selected at the first edge of Chip
Enables E0, E1 or E2 that enable the device and
deselected at the first edge of Chip Enables E0,
E1 or E2 that disable the device. Refer to Table 2,
Device Enable for more details.
When the Chip Enable inputs deselect the memo-
ry, power consumption is reduced to the Standby
level, I
Output Enable (G).
The Output Enable, G, gates
the outputs through the data output buffers during
a read operation. When Output Enable, G, is at V
the outputs are high impedance.
Write Enable (W).
The Write Enable input, W,
controls writing to the Command Interface, Input
Address and Data latches. Both addresses and
data can be latched on the rising edge of Write En-
Reset/Power-Down (RP).
Down pin can be used to apply a Hardware Reset
to the memory.
A Hardware Reset is achieved by holding Reset/
Power-Down Low, V
, for at least t
. When
Reset/Power-Down is Low, V
, the Status Regis-
ter information is cleared and the power consump-
tion is reduced to power-down level. The device is
deselected and outputs are high impedance. If Re-
set/Power-Down goes low, V
,during a Block
Erase, a Write to Buffer and Program or a Block
Protect/Unprotect the operation is aborted and the
data may be corrupted. In this case the STS pin
stays low, V
, for a maximum timing of t
+ t
until the completion of the Reset/Power-Down
After Reset/Power-Down goes High, V
, the
memory will be ready for Bus Read and Bus Write
operations after t
. Note that STS does not fall
during a reset, see Ready/Busy Output section.
In an application, it is recommended to associate
Reset/Power-Down pin, RP, with the reset signal
of the microprocessor. Otherwise, if a reset opera-
tion occurs while the memory is performing an
Erase or Program operation, the memory may out-
put the Status Register information instead of be-
ing initialized to the default Asynchronous
Random Read.
Byte/Word Organization Select (BYTE).
Byte/Word Organization Select pin is used to
switch between the x8 and x16 bus widths of the
memory. When Byte/Word Organization Select is
Low, V
, the memory is in x8 mode, when it is
High, V
, the memory is in x16 mode.
Status/(Ready/Busy) (STS).
The STS signal is
an open drain output that can be used to identify
the Program/Erase Controller status. It can be
configured in two modes:
Ready/Busy - the pin is Low, V
, during
Program and Erase operations and high
impedance when the memory is ready for any
Read, Program or Erase operation.
Status - the pin gives a pulsing signal to indicate
the end of a Program or Block Erase operation.
After power-up or reset the STS pin is configured
in Ready/Busy mode. The pin can be configured
for Status mode using the Configure STS com-
When the Program/Erase Controller is idle, or sus-