The M3G-Series converters utilize a single-ended
forward topology with resonant reset. The nominal
switching frequency is 500kHz. Electrical isolation
and tight output regulation are achieved through the
use of a magnetically coupled feedback. Voltage
feed-forward with duty factor limiting provides high
line rejection and protection against output over
voltage in the event of an internal control loop failure.
This mechanism limits the maximum output voltage
to approximately 20% over the nominal regardless of
the line voltage.
Circuit Description
An internal EMI filter allows the converter to meet the
conducted emissions requirements of MIL-STD-461C
on the input power leads. A two-stage output filter
reduces the typical output ripple to less than 20mV
Output current is limited under any load fault condition
to approximately 125% of rated. An overload
condition causes the converter output to behave like
a constant current source with the output voltage
dropping below nominal. The converter will resume
normal operation when the load current is reduced
below the current limit point. This protects the
converter from both overload and short circuit
conditions. The current limit point exhibits a slightly
negative temperature coefficient to reduce the
possibility of thermal runaway.
An under-voltage lockout circuit prohibits the
converter from operating when the line voltage is too
low to maintain the output voltage. The converter will
not start until the line voltage rises to approximately
16.5 volts and will shut down when the input voltage
drops below 15.5 volts. The one volt of hysteresis
reduces the possibility of line noise interfering with
the converter’s start-up and shut down.
An external inhibit port is provided to control converter
operation. The nominal threshold relative to the
input return (pin 2) is 1.4V. If 2.0 volts or greater are
applied to the Inhibit pin (pin 3) then the converter
will operate normally. A voltage of 0.8V or less will
cause the converter to shut-down. The pin may be
left open for normal operation and has a nominal
open circuit voltage of 4.0V.
Design Methodology
The M3G-Series was developed using a proven
conservative design methodology which includes
selecting radiation tolerant and established reliability
components and fully derating to the requirements
of MIL-STD-975 and MIL-STD-1547. Careful sizing
of decoupling capacitors and current limiting
resistors minimizes the possibility of photo-current
burn-out. Heavy derating of the radiation hardened
power MOSFET virtually eliminates the possibility
of SEGR and SEB. A magnetic feedback circuit is
utilized instead of opto-couplers to minimize
temperature, radiation and aging sensitivity.
PSPICE and RadSPICE were used extensively to
predict and optimize circuit performance for both
beginning and end-of-life. Thorough design
analyses include Radiation Susceptibility (TREE ),
Worst Case, Stress, Thermal, Failure Modes and
Effects (FMEA) and Reliability (MTBF).
Synchronization input and output allow multiple
converters to operate at a common switching
frequency. Converters can be synchronized to one
another or to an externally provided clock. This can
be used to eliminate beat frequency noise or to avoid
creating noise at certain frequencies for sensitive
Remote sense is provided on the single output
models to compensate for voltage drops in the
interconnects between the converter and the load.
The output voltage of dual output models can be
adjusted by a single external resistor.