Apr 10, 2008
38D2 Group
(4) Set of Timer X Mode Register
Set the write control bit of the timer X mode register to “1”
(write to the latch only) when setting the IGBT output and PWM
Output waveform simultaneously reflects the contents of both
registers at the next underflow after writing to the timer X
register (high-order).
(5) Output Control Function of Timer X
When using the output control function (INT1 and INT2) in the
IGBT output mode, set the levels of INT1 and INT2 to “H” in
the falling edge active or to “L” in the rising edge active before
switching to the IGBT output mode.
(6) Switch of CNTR0 Active Edge
When the CNTR0 active edge switch bits are set, at the same
time, the interrupt active edge is also affected.
When the pulse width is measured, set the bit 7 of the CNTR0
active edge switch bits to “0”.
(7) When Timer X Pulse Width Measurement Mode
When timer X pulse width measurement mode is used, enable the
event counter wind control data (bit 5 of timer X mode register
(address 002D16)) by setting to “0”.
If the event counter window control data (bit 5 of timer X mode
register (address 002D16)) is set to “1” (disabled) to
enable/disable the CNTR0 input, the input is not accepted after
the timer 1 underflow.
Fig. 28 Structure of timer X related registers
Timer X mode register
(TXM: address 002D16)
Timer X operating mode bits
0 0 0 : Timer mode
0 0 1 : Pulse output mode
0 1 0 : IGBT output mode
0 1 1 : PWM mode
1 0 0 : Event counter mode
1 0 1 : Pulse width measurement mode
1 1 0 : Not available
1 1 1 : Not available
Timer X write control bit
0 : Write data to both timer latch and timer
1 : Write data to timer latch only
Timer X count source selection bit
0 : Frequency divider output
1 : f(XCIN)
Data for control of event counter window
0 : Event count enabled
1 : Event count disabled
Timer X count stop bit
0 : Count operation
1 : Count stop
Timer X output 1 selection bit (P35)
0 : I/O port
1 : Timer X output 1
Timer X control register 1
(TXCON1: address 002E16)
Noise filter sampling clock selection bit
0 : f(XIN)/2
1 : f(XIN)/4
External trigger delay time selection bits
0 0 : Not delayed
0 1 : (4/f(XIN))
1 0 : (8/f(XIN))
1 1 : (16/f(XIN))
Timer X output control bit 1 (P51)
0 : Not used INT1 interrupt signal
1 : INT1 interrupt signal used
Timer X output control bit 2 (P34)
0 : Not used INT2 interrupt signal
1 : INT2 interrupt signal used
Timer X output 1 active edge switch bit
0 : Start at “L” output
1 : Start at “H” output
CNTR0 active edge switch bits
0 0 : Count at rising edge in event counter mode
Falling edge active for CNTR0 interrupt
Measure “H” pulse width in pulse width measurement mode
0 1 : Count at falling edge in event counter mode
Rising edge active for CNTR0 interrupt
Measure “L” pulse width in pulse width measurement mode
1 0 :
Count at both edges in event counter mode
1 1 :
Both edges active for CNTR0 interrupt
Timer X control register 2
(TXCON2: address 002F16)
Timer X output 2 control bit (P37)
0 : I/O port
1 : Timer X output 2
Timer X output 2 active edge switch bit
0 : Start at “L” output
1 : Start at “H” output
Timer X dividing frequency selection bits
0 0 : 1/16
0 1 : 1/1
1 0 : 1/2
1 1 : 1/256
Trigger for IGBT input control bit
0 : Noise filter sampling clock
× 1
External trigger delay time
× 1
1 : Noise filter sampling clock
× 2
External trigger delay time
× 1/2
Not used (returns “0” when read)
φSOURCE indicates the followings:
XIN input in the frequency/2, 4, or 8 mode
On-chip oscillator divided by 4 in the on-chip oscillator mode
Sub-clock in the low-speed mode