38C3 Group
Timer 6
count source
n ! ts
m ! ts
(n+m) ! ts
Note: PWM waveform (duty : n/(n+m) and period : (n+m) ! ts) is output.
n: setting value of Timer 6
m: setting value of Timer 6 PWM register
ts: period of Timer 6 count source
Timer 6 interrupt request
Timer 6
PWM mode
Fig. 18 Timing chart of timer 6 PWM1 mode
16-bit Timer
Timer A is a 16-bit timer that can be selected in one of four modes by
the timer A mode register and the timer A control register.
qTimer A
The timer A operates as down-count. When the timer contents reach
“000016”, an underflow occurs at the next count pulse and the timer
latch contents are reloaded. After that, the timer continues count-
down. When the timer underflows, the interrupt request bit correspond-
ing to the timer A is set to “1”.
(1) Timer mode
The count source can be selected by setting the timer A mode regis-
(2) Pulse output mode
Pulses of which polarity is inverted each time the timer underflows
are output from the TAOUT pin. Except for that, this mode operates
just as in the timer mode.
When using this mode, set port P50 sharing the TAOUT pin to output
(3) IGBT output mode
After dummy output from the TAOUT pin, count starts with the INT0
pin input as a trigger. When the trigger is detected or the timer A
underflows, “H” is output from the the TAOUT pin.
When the count value corresponds with the compare register value,
the TAOUT output becomes “L”. When the INT0 signal becomes “H”,
the TAOUT output is forced to become “L”.
After noise is cleared by noise filters, judging continuous 4-time same
levels with sampling clocks to be signals, the INT0 signal can use 4
types of delay time by a delay circuit.
When using this mode, set port P55 sharing the INT0 pin to input
mode and set port P50 sharing the TAOUT pin to output mode.
It is possible to force the timer A output to be “L” using pins INT1 and
INT2 by the timer A control register.
(4) PWM mode
IGBT dummy output, an external trigger with the INT0 pin and output
control with pins INT1 and INT2 are not used. Except for those, this
mode operates just as in the IGBT output mode.
The period of PWM waveform is specified by the timer A set value.
The “H” term is specified by the compare register set value.
When using this mode, set port P50 sharing the TAOUT pin to output