Mar 31, 2009
7548 Group
Oscillation stop detection circuit
The oscillation stop detection circuit is used to detect an
oscillation stop when a ceramic resonator or oscillation circuit
stops due to disconnection. To use the oscillation stop detection
circuit, set the low-speed on-chip oscillator to start operating.
The oscillation stop detection circuit is enabled by setting the
XIN oscillation stop detection function active bit to 1. While this
circuit is enabled, the operating status of the XIN oscillation
circuit is monitored using the low-speed on-chip oscillator. If an
oscillation stop is detected, the oscillation stop detection status
bit is set to 1. If the oscillation stop detection reset enable bit is
also set to 1, an internal reset is triggered at oscillation stop
The XIN oscillation stop detection function active bit and the
oscillation stop detection status bit are not initialized if an
oscillation stop detection reset is triggered and these bits retain
their value of 1. Since these bits are initialized to 0 by an external
reset, an oscillation stop detection reset can be determined by
checking the oscillation stop status bit.
The oscillation stop detection status bit is set to 0 by writing 0 to
the XIN oscillation stop detection function enable bit.
To enable the oscillation detection circuit, first write 0 to the XIN
oscillation stop detection function enable bit and set the
oscillation stop detection status bit to 0. Then set the oscillation
stop function to 1.
The XIN oscillation and external clock input are set as the clocks
for oscill ati o n stop detect ion. Refer t o the el ectrica l
characteristics for the frequencies for oscillation stop detection.
Fig 68. Structure of oscillation stop detection register
(1) Do not execute the transition to “state 2’a” shown in
Figurethis state, no reset is triggered and the MCU is stopped even
when the XIN oscillation stops.
(2) After an oscillation stop detection reset, if this reset is
enabled while bits XIN oscillation stop detection function
active and oscillation stop detection status are retained, a
reset is triggered again.
(3) The oscillation stop detection status bit is initialized under
the following conditions:
External reset, power-on reset, low-voltage detection reset,
watchdog timer reset, and reset by the STP instruction
Write 0 to the XIN oscillation stop detection function active
(4) While the oscillation stop detection function is in active, the
oscillation stop detection status bit may set to 1 when the
watchdog timer underflows or by a reset when the STP
instruction is executed with the STP instruction function
selection bit set to 1.
When an oscillation stop detection reset is triggered,
reconfirm that oscillation is stopped.
(5) The oscillation stop detection circuit is not included in the
emulator MCU “M37549RLSS”.
XIN oscillation stop detection function active bit
0: Detection function inactive
1: Detection function active
Oscillation stop detection reset enable bit
0: Oscillation stop detection reset disabled
1: Oscillation stop detection reset enabled
Oscillation stop detection status bit
0: Oscillation stop not detected
1: Oscillation stop detected
Not used (“0” at reading)
Oscillation stop detection register
(CLKSTP: address 003816, initial value: 0016)