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qTimer X
Timer X is an 8-bit timer and counts the prescaler X output.
When Timer X underflows, the timer X interrupt request bit is set
to “1”.
Prescaler X is an 8-bit prescaler and counts the signal selected by
the timer X count source selection bit.
Prescaler X and Timer X have the prescaler X latch and the timer
X latch to retain the reload value, respectively. The value of
prescaler X latch is set to Prescaler X when Prescaler X
underflows.The value of timer X latch is set to Timer X when Timer
X underflows.
When writing to Prescaler X (PREX) and Timer X (TX) is ex-
ecuted, writing to “l(fā)atch only” or “l(fā)atch and prescaler (timer)” can
be selected by the setting value of the timer X write control bit.
When reading from Prescaler X (PREX) and Timer X (TX) is ex-
ecuted, each count value is read out.
Timer X can can be selected in one of 4 operating modes by set-
ting the timer X operating mode bits of the timer X mode register.
(1) Timer mode
Prescaler X counts the count source selected by the timer X count
source selection bits. Each time the count clock is input, the con-
tents of Prescaler X is decremented by 1. When the contents of
Prescaler X reach “0016”, an underflow occurs at the next count
clock, and the prescaler X latch is reloaded into Prescaler X and
count continues. The division ratio of Prescaler X is 1/(n+1) pro-
vided that the value of Prescaler X is n.
The contents of Timer X is decremented by 1 each time the under-
flow signal of Prescaler X is input. When the contents of Timer X
reach “0016”, an underflow occurs at the next count clock, and the
timer X latch is reloaded into Timer X and count continues. The di-
vision ratio of Timer X is 1/(m+1) provided that the value of Timer
X is m. Accordingly, the division ratio of Prescaler X and Timer X is
1/((n+1)(m+1)) provided that the value of Prescaler X is n and
the value of Timer X is m.
(2) Pulse output mode
In the pulse output mode, the waveform whose polarity is inverted
each time timer X underflows is output from the CNTR0 pin.
The output level of CNTR0 pin can be selected by the CNTR0 ac-
tive edge switch bit. When the CNTR0 active edge switch bit is “0”,
the output of CNTR0 pin is started at “H” level. When this bit is “1”,
the output is started at “L” level.
Also, the inverted waveform of pulse output from CNTR0 pin can
be output from TXOUT pin by setting “1” to the P03/TXOUT output
valid bit.
When using a timer in this mode, set the port P14 and P03 direc-
tion registers to output mode.
(3) Event counter mode
The timer A counts signals input from the P14/CNTR0 pin.
Except for this, the operation in event counter mode is the same
as in timer mode.
The active edge of CNTR0 pin input signal can be selected from
rising or falling by the CNTR0 active edge switch bit .
(4) Pulse width measurement mode
In the pulse width measurement mode, the pulse width of the sig-
nal input to P14/CNTR0 pin is measured.
The operation of Timer X can be controlled by the level of the sig-
nal input from the CNTR0 pin.
When the CNTR0 active edge switch bit is “0”, the signal selected
by the timer X count source selection bit is counted while the input
signal level of CNTR0 pin is “H”. The count is stopped while the
pin is “L”. Also, when the CNTR0 active edge switch bit is “1”, the
signal selected by the timer X count source selection bit is
counted while the input signal level of CNTR0 pin is “L”. The count
is stopped while the pin is “H”.
Timer X can stop counting by setting “1” to the timer X count stop
bit in any mode.
Also, when Timer X underflows, the timer X interrupt request bit is
set to “1”.
Note on Timer X is described below;
s Note on Timer X
CNTR0 interrupt active edge selection
CNTR0 interrupt active edge depends on the CNTR0 active edge
switch bit.
When this bit is “0”, the CNTR0 interrupt request bit is set to “1” at
the falling edge of CNTR0 pin input signal. When this bit is “1”, the
CNTR0 interrupt request bit is set to “1” at the rising edge of
CNTR0 pin input signal.