7542 Group
Jul 11, 2008
Page 111 of 117
3. Interrupt discrimination bit
Use an LDM instruction to clear to “0” an interrupt discrimination
LDM #%0000XXXX, $0B
Set the following values to “X”
“0”: an interrupt discrimination bit to clear
“1”: other interrupt discrimination bits
Ex.) When a key-on wakeup interrupt discrimination bit is cleared;
LDM #%00001110 and $0B.
4. Interrupt discrimination bit and interrupt request bit
For key-on wakeup, UART1 bus collision detection, A/D conver-
sion and Timer 1 interrupt, even if each interrupt valid bit (interrupt
source set register (address 0A16)) is set “0: Invalid”, each inter-
rupt discrimination bit (interrupt source discrimination register
(address 0B16)) is set to “1: interrupt occurs” when corresponding
interrupt request occurs.
But corresponding interrupt request bit (interrupt request registers
1, 2 (addresses 3C16, 3D16) is not affected.
Notes on Timers
1. When n (0 to 255) is written to a timer latch, the frequency divi-
sion ratio is 1/(n+1).
2. When a count source of timer X, timer A or timer B is switched,
stop a count of the timer.
Notes on Timer X
1. CNTR0 interrupt active edge selection
CNTR0 interrupt active edge depends on the CNTR0 active edge
switch bit (bit 2 of timer X mode register (address 2B16)).
When this bit is “0”, the CNTR0 interrupt request bit is set to “1” at
the falling edge of CNTR0 pin input signal. When this bit is “1”, the
CNTR0 interrupt request bit is set to “1” at the rising edge of
CNTR0 pin input signal.
2. Timer X count source selection
The f(XIN) (frequency not divided) can be selected by the timer X
count source selection bits (bits 1 and 0 of timer count source set
register (address 2A16)) only when the ceramic oscillation or the
on-chip oscillator is selected.
Do not select it for the timer X count source at the RC oscillation.
3. Pulse output mode
Set the direction register of port P14, which is also used as CNTR0
pin, to output.
When the TXOUT pin is used, set the direction register of port P03,
which is also used as TXOUT pin, to output.
4. Pulse width measurement mode
Set the direction register of port P14, which is also used as CNTR0
pin, to input.
Notes on Timer A, B
1. Setting of timer value
When “1: Write to only latch” is set to the timer A (B) write control
bit, written data to timer register is set to only latch even if timer is
stopped or operating. Accordingly, in order to set the initial value
for timer when it is stopped, set “0: Write to latch and timer simul-
taneously” to timer A (B) write control bit.
2. Read/write of timer A
Stop timer A to read/write its data in the following state;
XIN oscillation selected by clock division ratio selection bits (bits 7
and 6 of CPU mode register (address 3B16)), and the on-chip os-
cillator output is selected as the timer A count source.
3. Read/write of timer B
Stop timer B to read/write its data in the following state;
XIN oscillation selected by clock division ratio selection bits, the
timer A underflow is selected as the timer B count source, and the
on-chip oscillator output is selected as the timer A count source.