Feb 18, 2005
page 45 of 85
7512 Group
Fig. 50 Current integrator registers
The calibration starts current integration for 125 ms, after dis-
charging electric charge which remain in integrator's capacitor.
After finished calibration period, value of the discharge(charge)
counter is latched to discharge(charge) counter latch. At this time
the current integrate interrupt occurs. Which interrupt has oc-
curred current integrate interrupt for current integrate mode or for
calibration mode can be judged by reading the counter latch con-
tent flag. The counter latch content flag shows the contents of
counter latch, value for current integrate mode or value for calibra-
tion mode. Note that the contents of the counter latch is updated
automatically at the end of next current integration or calibration.
The calibration mode is continued until setting the current inte-
grate mode bit "0".
sNote on using current integrate circuit
Just after setting the current integrate mode bit "1", discharge or
charge counter may count up one in surplus, in the first integrate
period, because of internal analog circuit still doesn't become
stable in the first integrate period. This cause increase of one
count on counting up counter or stopping counter in the first inte-
grate period.
Discharge counter latch low-order register (000A16)
b7 b6 b5
b3 b2
b1 b0
b7 b6 b5
b4 b3 b2
b1 b0
b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9
b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8
Discharge counter latch high-order register (000B16)
Charge counter latch low-order register (000C16)
Charge counter latch high-order register (000D16)
Current integrate control register (000E16)
Current integrate mode bit
0 : Current integrate mode
1 : Calibration mode
Calibration selection bit
00 : Zero calibration
01 : Full calibration for discharge
10 : Full calibration for charge
11 : Not used
Calibration current selection bit (Note)
0 : 10A calibration
1 : 5A calibration
Integrate coefficient selection bit
0 : 10m
sense register
1 : 5m
sense register
Not used (Returns "0" when read)
Counter latch contents flag
0 : Current integrate data
1 : Calibration data
Current integrate enable bit
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
Note: This bit is protected.