V10 = 0: (EXF0) = 1
V11 = 0: (EXF1) = 1
(INT0) = “H”
However, I12 = 1
(INT0) = “L”
However, I12 = 0
(INT1) = “H”
However, I22 = 1
(INT1) = “L”
However, I22 = 0
Skip condition
Datailed description
Clears (0) to interrupt enable flag INTE, and disables the interrupt.
Sets (1) to interrupt enable flag INTE, and enables the interrupt.
When V10 = 0 : Skips the next instruction when external 0 interrupt request flag EXF0 is “1.” After skipping,
clears (0) to the EXF0 flag. When the EXF0 flag is “0,” executes the next instruction.
When V10 = 1 : This instruction is equivalent to the NOP instruction. (V10: bit 0 of interrupt control register V1)
When V11 = 0 : Skips the next instruction when external 1 interrupt request flag EXF1 is “1.” After skipping,
clears (0) to the EXF1 flag. When the EXF1 flag is “0,” executes the next instruction.
When V11 = 1 : This instruction is equivalent to the NOP instruction. (V11: bit 1 of interrupt control register V1)
When I12 = 1 : Skips the next instruction when the level of INT0 pin is “H.” (I12: bit 2 of interrupt control reg-
ister I1)
When I12 = 0 : Skips the next instruction when the level of INT0 pin is “L.”
When I22 = 1 : Skips the next instruction when the level of INT1 pin is “H.” (I22: bit 2 of interrupt control reg-
ister I2)
When I22 = 0 : Skips the next instruction when the level of INT1 pin is “L.”
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register V1 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register V1.
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register V2 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register V2.
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register I1 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register I1.
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register I2 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register I2.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register PA.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W1 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W1.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W2 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W2.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W3 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W3.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W4 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W4.
Aug 06, 2004
page 129 of 151
4583 Group
Notice: This is not a final specification.
Some parametric limits are subject to change.