Skip condition
Datailed description
4513/4514 Group
Transfers the contents of register B to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to register B.
Transfers the contents of register Y to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to register Y.
Transfers the contents of registers A and B to register E.
Transfers the contents of register E to registers A and B.
Transfers the contents of register A to register D.
Transfers the contents of register D to register A.
Transfers the contents of register Z to register A.
Transfers the contents of register X to register A.
Transfers the contents of stack pointer (SP) to register A.
Loads the value x in the immediate field to register X, and the value y in the immediate field to register Y.
When the LXY instructions are continuously coded and executed, only the first LXY instruction is executed
and other LXY instructions coded continuously are skipped.
Loads the value z in the immediate field to register Z.
Adds 1 to the contents of register Y. As a result of addition, when the contents of register Y is 0, the next in-
struction is skipped.
Subtracts 1 from the contents of register Y. As a result of subtraction, when the contents of register Y is 15,
the next instruction is skipped.
After transferring the contents of M(DP) to register A, an exclusive OR operation is performed between reg-
ister X and the value j in the immediate field, and stores the result in register X.
After exchanging the contents of M(DP) with the contents of register A, an exclusive OR operation is per-
formed between register X and the value j in the immediate field, and stores the result in register X.
After exchanging the contents of M(DP) with the contents of register A, an exclusive OR operation is per-
formed between register X and the value j in the immediate field, and stores the result in register X.
Subtracts 1 from the contents of register Y. As a result of subtraction, when the contents of register Y is 15,
the next instruction is skipped.
After exchanging the contents of M(DP) with the contents of register A, an exclusive OR operation is per-
formed between register X and the value j in the immediate field, and stores the result in register X. Adds 1
to the contents of register Y. As a result of addition, when the contents of register Y is 0, the next instruction
is skipped.
After transferring the contents of register A to M(DP), an exclusive OR operation is performed between reg-
ister X and the value j in the immediate field, and stores the result in register X.
(Y) = 0
(Y) = 15
(Y) = 15
(Y) = 0